Benin Auto Park: Obaseki welcomes global players in the automotive industry, provides incentives


… as global brands engage in a partnership with Edo Govt

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has badured global players of the Automotive industry, including BMW, Bosch, Toyota, Volkswagen, Uber, among others the state's willingness to provide enticing incentives and other business-friendly policies to enable them to 'get business'. to install in the proposed car park in Benin, in front of the Benin Industrial Park (BIP).

Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki (2nd from right); His deputy, Rt. Hon. Philip Shaibu (right); Deloitte Africa, Lwazi Bam (2nd from left) and Jaguar Land Rover, director of operations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigel Clark (left) at Automotive Investment Forum, Banquet Hall, Government House, Benin City, Wednesday 4 July 2018

Obaseki gave badurances to the Edo Automotive Investment Forum, which hosted members of the African Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAAM), at the Government House in Benin City, capital of the United States. State of Edo. [19659002IlaexhortéladélégationdesdirecteursgénérauxdesOpérationsAfriquedesacteursmondiauxdel'industrieautomobileàexplorerlesopportunitésd'investissementdansl'étatenmettantl'accentsurlesinvestissementspourstimulerlesecteurautomobileàBeninCityl'unedesventesetdesservicesautomobileslesplusdynamiqueshubsdanslepays

Governor Obaseki stated that & # 39; State & # 39; Edo is strategically located to become the & # 39; one of the largest automotive hubs in West Africa and maintained that the state has a robust Noting that the state has a thriving auto industry serving the Niger Delta market, parts of the north and even southwestern Nigeria, he said, "Benin City boasts of a stock of no less than half a million cars.We want companies to work and even exceed what the Council National automobile supplies.

He said that Benin Auto Park was going to transform the i Nigerian automotive industry and help modernize the used car market, so that more Nigerians He said: 'We want you to work with a car dealer to create the largest single market in Benin City. where people can buy cars. We want to properly organize car dealerships in Benin City, transform the automotive components sector and attract investment to the state. "

He said that the investment strategy will attract companies to formalize the auto sales market.

Among the other companies present are Graffiti SA, Nissan, Toyota, Deloitte, Gauteng Infrastructure Finance Agency (GIFA), Automotive Industry Development Center, DataDot Technology, Standard Bank of South Africa, International Finance Corporation, Afropulse Group, Component Vendors in Uwellu, Evgbareke, James Wyatt Markets and Service Providers.

During a visit to auto dealerships along Benin-Sapele Road, a dealership of Idris and Sons Motors, Salihu Abdulahi, told the delegation that the corridor accommodates at least 100 dealers and the vehicles in their inventory extend to thousands.

Jelani Aliyu, the director general of the National Council of Design and Development Automotive, said the council is enthusiastic about the proposal of the government of Edo State, and sees at least two growth scenarios.

According to him, "With this support from the state government, I see the state becoming a hotbed for auto sales." The first instance will see the state move from the supply of used cars to new cars.In addition, we see the influx of manufacturers of automotive components, which are also here. "

Thomas Schaefer, managing director of Volkswagen South Africa, stated that the delegation is keenly interested in the Nigerian market, its growth and the deepening of its investments. with the increased push of the auto policy

According to him, "the automotive industry is quite critical in South Africa.It generates 350 000 jobs.The market boasts of 600 000 new cars. There is no import.We hope to replicate this in Nigeria and we are interested in the Nigerian market.

"We are interested in Nigeria and the state of Edo and are impressed by the proposal for Benin Auto Park . We hope to deepen the partnership, "he said.


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