Boris Johnson says "The Brexit dream is dying" in a letter of resignation


LONDON – Boris Johnson resigns
Britain's Foreign Minister warns Britain that Britain
end up as a colony in the European Union after the government
announced plans for a close commercial relationship with the block
after Brexit next year

Here is the text of his letter of resignation to the Prime Minister
Minister Theresa May, of whom Johnson released a copy on

I am proud to have been Secretary of Foreign Affairs. It is with sadness that I resign: here is my letter explaining why.

– Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) July 9, 2018

Dear Thérèse,

More than two years ago the British people voted for
leave the European Union unambiguous and categorical
promise that if they did, they would take back control of
their democracy.

They were told that they would be able to manage their own
immigration policy, repatriate the British money now
spent by the EU and, above all, that they would be able to pbad
laws independently and in the interest of the population of this

Brexit should be about the opportunity and hope. It should be a
opportunity to do things differently, to be more agile and dynamic,
and maximize the particular advantages of the UK as a

This dream is dying, suffocated by a useless self-doubt.

We have postponed crucial decisions – including the
Preparations for no business, as I argued in my letter to you from
last November – with the result that we seem to be heading towards
a half Brexit, with large parts of the economy still locked up in
the EU system, but without British control over this system.

It now seems that the offer of opening of our negotiations
implies to accept that we will not be able to
make our own laws. Indeed, we seem to have fallen since
the last Checkers meeting in February, when I described my
frustrations, as mayor of London, trying to protect cyclists
of juggernauts. We wanted to lower the windows of the cabin
improve visibility, and even if such designs were already
the market, and even though there had been a horrific wave of
deaths, mostly female cyclists, we were told that we had to
wait until the EU legislates in the matter.

So in the previous session of Checkers, we debated
develop a procedure of divergence from the EU rules. But even that
now seems to have been removed from the table, and there is actually
no easy British initiative right. Yet if Brexit means
whatever it is, it must surely give the ministers and the
opportunity to do things differently to protect the public. If a
country can not pbad a law to save the lives of female cyclists –
when this proposal is supported at all levels of the British government
– so I do not see how this country can really call itself

On the other hand, the British government has spent decades
against this or that EU directive on the grounds that
too heavy or badly thought. We are now in the ridiculous
position to badert that we have to accept huge amounts of
precisely this right of the EU, without changing an iota, because it is
essential for our economic health – and when we no longer
any ability to influence these laws as and when they are made.

In this respect, we are really moving towards colony status.
– and many will have trouble seeing the economic or political

It is also clear that in giving up control over our
rulebook for goods and agribusiness (and many other things) we
make it much more difficult to conclude free trade agreements. So what
there is the additional hurdle of having to plead for a
customs arrangement impracticable and undeliverable contrary to
Another thing that exists

What is even more disturbing is that it's our openness
offer. That's already how we see the end state for the UK –
before the other party makes his counter-offer. It's like
if we send our vanguard into the battle with the white
Flags floating above them. Indeed I was concerned, watching
The document of Friday, that there could be other concessions on
immigration, or that we could end up paying for it effectively for
Single Market Access

On Friday I recognized that my side of the argument was
too little to take home, and congratulate you on having at least reached a
Cabinet decision on the way forward. As I said then, the
The government now has a song to sing. The problem is that I've
practiced the words over the weekend and find that they stick in
the throat. We must have a collective responsibility. Since I
can not conscientiously defend these proposals, I have unfortunately
I concluded that I had to leave.

I am proud to have served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs in
Government. As I resign, I would like to thank you first
metropolitan police officers who watched
after me and my family, sometimes under demanding circumstances. I
am also proud of the extraordinary men and women of our
diplomatic service. In recent months, they have shown how
many friends this country has in the world, like 28
governments have expelled Russian spies in unprecedented protest
to the badbadination attempt of the Skripals. they have
organized a very successful and secure Commonwealth summit
record of international support for this government's campaign
12 years of quality education for all girls, and much more
outraged. As I leave the office, the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth
Office) now has the largest and by far the most effective
diplomatic network from any country in Europe – a continent
we will never leave.


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