Childhood infections may affect academic performance


Severe infections during childhood that lead to hospitalizations could lower academic performance in adolescence, a new study has found.

The study, published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, suggests that higher numbers of hospitalizations for infections were badociated with

"" Our findings extend our understanding of the badociation between particularly severe infections during childhood adolescence and cognitive achievement, "said co-author Köhler-Fosberg from the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark.

For the study, the researchers included nationwide data of 598,553 children born in Denmark between 1987 and 1997.

The researchers looked at hospital admission for infections, an indicator of moderate to severe infections and prescriptions for anti-infective drugs in primary care, reflecting less-severe infections.

These infec The results were badyzed for their badociation with two measures of late school achievement.

The researchers found that any hospital contact was 18 per cent in the odds of completing the grade.

Among the children who completed ninth grade

Among children who completed ninth grade, hospitalization for infections was badociated with a large score in final exam scores.

Primary care treatment with anti-infective drugs – showing the presence of common, less-severe infections – was unrelated to the chances of completing ninth grade.

Aside from brain damage caused by serious infections like rubella or encephalitis , "there is growing awareness that a wider range of infections may have a more subtle and / or delayed impact on brain function," the researchers noted.


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