China and the EU pledge to work more closely to defend the global trading order


China and the European Union pledged to work more closely to defend the global trading system Monday, although both sides said they were not seeking a coalition to counter Washington

A few hours before the meeting of US President Donald Trump with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Helsinki – and just after Trump has called the EU and China "enemies" of the United States for trade and l & # 39; economy.

after the summit, stating that they were "firmly" determined to resist protectionism and unilateralism and "strongly supported" the rules-based multilateral trading system centered on the World Organization Trade.

This statement was not made after two summits because of frictions over issues such as China demanding market economy status in the WTO, and the dissatisfaction with it. EU overcapacity of steel.

[19659002] "It is a common duty of Europe and China, of America and Russia, not to destroy this order [global] but to improve it, "said the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, was also present at the summit, organized by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

At a subsequent meeting with European leaders, Chinese President Xi Jinping called Brussels to work with Beijing. "China and the EU are … beneficiaries and guardians of the multilateral trading system," Xi said. "We should jointly maintain an open global economy."

China, EU plans a task force to reorganize the WTO and counteract US unilateralism

Li clarified at the joint press conference that China was not seeking US tariff pressure , after EU leaders and top advisers reiterated that they did not side with China in the face of the US in the trade dispute. "The negotiations between China and the EU do not target a third party," he said. "Trade friction between China and the United States is a problem between the two countries. China does not want a trade war with the United States – there is no winner in a trade war, "Li said, adding that both sides should find a solution to the conflict. [19659002]

Trump told CBS News before going to Helsinki that the EU, along with China and Russia, were all "enemies" of the United States.

"I think the European Union is an enemy. Now you would not think of the European Union, but they are an enemy. Russia is an enemy in some ways. China is an economic enemy, certainly, they are an enemy. But that does not mean that they are bad. It does not mean anything. China proposes to strengthen its ties with the EU to counter US trade threats

In the late afternoon on Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that it had filed a complaint with from the EU. the WTO against Washington's proposal last week to lift tariffs of 10% on 200 billion dollars of Chinese products.

China and the United States have been in commercial conflict since the beginning of the month. $ 34 billion worth of products from each other. Another set of 25 per cent tariffs on US $ 16 billion is under preparation.

The tone of the joint statement was more tender on the long-standing disputes between China and the EU, such as China's steel overcapacity, the rights of the Chinese government, and the fact that China has not been able to do so. man and his activities in the South China Sea

Brussels agreed that steel overcapacity was a global challenge that required a collective response and committed to intensifying cooperation through the Global Forum on excess steel capacity. Western countries have complained that China has not leaked to the forum all its data on steel overcapacity, remaining pbadive on the issue.

The EU has launched anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on Chinese steel products in recent years. He also began to complain about limited access to the market for European companies in China.

China has filed a complaint with the WTO over the EU's refusal to grant it market economy status, which would block the EU from lifting high tariffs on Chinese products during trade disputes. The EU is undertaking a revision of trade defense legislation, completely removing the distinction between market and non-market economies.

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The President of the European Commission said that China "could open its economy if it wishes," she added. "He knows how to open up," said Juncker, adding that Beijing has made progress in addressing EU concerns over China's industrial policies.

Beijing and Brussels also promised to redouble efforts to maintain the Iranian nuclear deal is underway and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is going forward. They also agreed to work together on Afghanistan and Syria, as well as on other diplomatic and security issues.

On another source of trade friction, Li said China would improve the protection of intellectual property rights by doubling penalties. 19659002] "Those who maliciously violate intellectual property rights will be fined at the point of bankruptcy," said Li, beating the podium with his hand.

"It is also to protect the development of Chinese enterprises – without the protection of intellectual property.Property, Chinese companies will be unable to develop.Questions on the arbitrary detention by China of the Uyghur minority, Mostly Muslim, in the Xinjiang region, the President of the European Council said that human rights were being discussed in a "much broader context" and he had expressed the EU's concerns regarding the human rights situation in China

Tusk added that he had raised "specific individual cases" with Beijing, but without mentioning the Uighurs.

Both parties also called for dialogue and the peaceful settlement of disputes, South China Sea In April, EU Security Policy Officer François Rivbadeau told the Australian media that the block could be an "honest broker" in disputes in the South China Sea but did not rule out the possibility of patrols of freedom of navigation in disputed waters. the future.

Keegan Elmer's additional report

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