Concerns over Zim elections grow – Nehanda Radio


By Mugove Tafirenyika

There is growing concern that Zimbabwe is heading back to a disputed poll – the main opposition of the country insisting that it will announce the results of the anticipated plebiscite before the management national elections. Opposition Leader Nelson Chamisa and President Emmerson Mnangagwa "width =" 700 "height =" 377 "srcset =" -and-Emmerson-Mnangagwa.jpg 700w,×162.jpg 300w "sizes =" (max-width : 700px) 100vw, 700px "/>

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa and President Emmerson Mnangagwa

candidate for the presidency of the Alliance MDC, Nelson Chamisa, was the first to warn that he would announce the results of polls before Wednesday Zec Wednesday – a threat that was repeated by his key lieutenant, Tendai Biti, at a rally in Mutare on weekends.

"This time , we will announce the election (results), not Zanu PF. We have a system to get all the results of all polling stations

"So, from the vote, we will tell you where to go and wait to protect your votes," said Chamisa in addressing his supporters. against Zec in Harare last week.

Biti, who was arrested in 2008 and charged with treason for announcing the results of this controversial poll prematurely, also promised this weekend to repeat what he did ten years ago. "I know I was arrested the last time I announced the results, but let me tell you that I will do it again after the July 30 elections because we have no trust in the Zec ". The treason charges against Biti in 2008 were only dropped when former ousted President Robert Mugabe was forced to form a national unity government with the late leader of the popular opposition. Morgan Tsvangirai, while Zimbabwe collapses under the weight At the same time, badysts who spoke yesterday at the Daily News expressed deep concern that the July 30 national elections may be heading for irreconcilable conflicts, because of the demands of the government. Zec said he was now ready to respond to some of the concerns of the MDC Alliance that sent distress calls to both the Sadc regional bloc and the African Union (AU). The crucial elections for the first time in two decades will not feature both Mugabe and Tsvangirai, who lost his valiant battle against colon cancer early in the year.

The opposition cited a number of irregularities that it believes will affect the freedom, fairness and credibility of the vote.

In 2008, Tsvangirai beat Mugabe's highly contested elections this year. However, the results of these polls were held for six long weeks by the stunned authorities – amid widespread allegations of fraud and fraudulent manipulation, which were later revealed by the bigwigs of the ruling Zanu PF

. Zanu PF apparatchiks has been engaged in an orgy of violence during which hundreds of Tsvangirai supporters have been killed, forcing the former prime minister of the inclusive government to withdraw completely from the discredited race.

Mugabe He declared himself the winner.

However, Sadc and the rest of the international community did not want to do anything, forcing the nonagenarian to share power with Tsvangirai for five years. years, to prevent the country from imploding completely.

In this context, a senior consultant from the International Crisis Group, Piers Pigou, told the Daily New yesterday, it was understandable that Biti was planning to announce the results of this year's poll in front of Zec .

"There is nothing illegal when political parties or organizations use a parallel tabulation system, where they collect the polling station results … this gives them the chance to do it. opportunity to compare what they will have learned with the official result of Zec.

"Usually, there is no need to do this unless there are real fears that Zec does not announce good results, "Pigou said.

But Zimbabwe Political Science professor Eldred Masunungure said that the opposition was having problems with the Zec, it was necessary to follow the law and allow the national electoral bodies to announce the results.The MDC should have pressed for the amendment of the electoral law … For both (Chamisa and Biti) , who are trained lawyers, to say that they will announce the results, it does not

"They can not be unila in their approach, because it will go to sea … and things could degenerate into anarchy, "he said.

Maxwell Saungweme, political badyst, also said that Chamisa and Biti were wrong to make such threats, as this could cast doubt on their integrity

"It's just political joke and nothing dies. Another … Such imprudence could plunge the country into this year's elections have aroused much interest among both ordinary Zimbabweans and ambitious politicians, and many people were expecting a close confrontation between Zanu PF and the MDC Alliance

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, 75, seeks a substantive term in the July 30 harmonized elections, in which he will face young Chamisa and 21 other presidential aspirants. [19659004] And for the first time in post-independence Zimbabwe there will be also presidential candidates – four of them – who face their male counterparts for the right to vote. to occupy the most powerful political post in the country after the plebiscite. DailyNews

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