Contempt introduced as a new enemy faction for Destiny 2: Forsaken


Destiny 2's next DLC, Forsaken, makes its cross-platform debut on September 4th. For the most part, the gambling community is cautiously optimistic that Bungie can deliver the goods despite several burns before.

Provide a little more hope that Forsaken will not be another failure is a Game Informer story detailing the new enemy for the DLC – disregard.

This latter group is not the antagonist of the Forsaken, but it is the enemies that the Guardians will encounter when they try to negotiate the Reef's wild backdrop.

According to Game Informer, the Scorn is not simply a generic repetition of other enemy groups as we have seen in past adventures in Destiny 2. [19659002MorespecificallyMattTiegergamedirectoratco-developerHighMoonStudiosnotedthatTheScornismuchmoreaggressivethanpreviousenemyfactionsapparentlyadoptingkamikazestyletacticsduringskirmishes

It remains to be seen whether they are at the height of billing, but having an enemy proves more difficult will certainly serve the Forsaken once the campaign is over.

With a bit of information on how The Scorn will engage the Guardians in the game, Tieger Clbades are as follows:

  • Mongrels – The largest of the Scorns, the Mongrels work the same way as the Hive Ogres, and can fire on enemy targets.
  • Screed – Explode enemies like the Cursed Thralls of the Hive, with one key difference. Tread hat at full speed towards the guards, instead of twisting around.
  • Raiders – The most common clbad of contempt that guards will encounter. They can also teleport over short distances and have a long-range attack.
  • Lurkers – These scorns are a little different, wearing shields and being less aggressive than the others. They have a weak point, but where it has not been mentioned.
  • Pests – Similar to the screed, pests carry explosive weapons that only do damage in quarters. They can be fired from a distance and explode to deny their threat.
  • Chieftains – This last clbad looks like fallen captains, and serves as a leader in large-scale battles. They also use elemental totems to attack the Guardians.

With Bungie giving a new revision to his new enemy faction in Forsaken, I hope he can do the same for the rest of the gameplay in this upcoming DLC.

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