Cyberpunk 2077: The most mature and ambitious adult RPG we've ever seen left us wanting more


 Cyberpunk 2077: The most mature and ambitious adult RPG we have ever seen left us with more desires

CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077: The most mature and ambitious adult RPG ever we have never seen Read more


Cyberpunk 2077 – Complex Consequence System

Information on the structure of quests and history surfaced in an interview by Mike Pondsmith, creator of Cyberpunk 2020, with the YouTube channel "LastKnownMeal."

Pondsmith reveals that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a system of choice and consequences similar to that seen in the game.

We see some RPGs take into account a system of karma when they speak of consequence, but Cyberpunk 2077 plans to go A more direct approach.

So if you shoot at a character from a faction, the rest of the faction would be more inclined to chase you for revenge, for example.

Pondsmith States:

"Sometimes karma is not really put in a nice, dark side, light side". Sometimes it comes and bites you in the bad of a way you never expected.We joked the other day at the office about that moment when you drive on the highway and that someone cuts you off, and you make them disappear, and then you go to the bank, and there's the guy you've gone back over the counter! That sort of thing happens! "

This is a promising sounding system – and plays in the game's impressive and ambitious nature that we have seen so far.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Screenshots, Concept Images and More

Welcome to the Year 2077.


Cyberpunk 2077 – Update the Release Date

After the Rediscovery From Cyberpunk 2077 to E3 2018 this year, a lot of fans are wondering when they will unfortunately, it seems that the release of the game is still far away.

The chairman of CD Projekt RED Adam Kiciński revealed to the Polish Bankier website that the game was still in pre-alpha – despite the quality of the construction of the E3.

When asked if the game was at the alpha stage, Bankier noted:

"No, earlier.Therefore, we are showing the game in camera – this n & # 39; 39 is not yet the final quality.

"It's the most polished part of the game that we have now, prepared somehow to show it to people on the outside." 19659007] Then In an interview with YouTuber YongYea, Cyberpunk 2020 creator Mike Pondsmith noted, "I waited 30 years to get it, it was worth it." Guys can wait a few more years. "

Looks like we're going to play it for a while again


Cyberpunk 2077 – Foreword

" In 2077, society is highly dependent on drones and robotics. Cyberpunk 2077 revolves around machines from simple drones, capable of recording and transmitting animated images, large clumsy machines, warehouse machines and training robots. "

CD Projekt RED shows us a demo of Cyberpunk 2077 As a bounty hunter, the dev is customized.In the game you can play as you want – and will be known as & # 39; 39; V … a mercenary badbad.

"It's not unusual for people to see huge automated waste collectors or robots sweeping the streets. -produced by companies or set up from stolen pieces of technology, robotics play an important role in both sectors of the economy and are a daily addition to the lives of people in Night City.

Automated vehicles, whether it is trains, subways or buses. These vehicles are entities in their own right, capable of communicating with each other to make adjustments and correct their behavior accordingly. "

The game is populated by a mbadive amount of humans and machines and everything in the middle." To its description in RPG Cyberpunk 202 paper-pen material – is a busy place, embarrbading everything you have can see in the last title of the developer, The Witcher 3.

The city is full of people, rich in details: you can hear conversations when you pbad, see the headlines printed on the newspapers in the streets, observe the disinherited population talk to each other while you head from quest to quest.

Our demo showed us go get a new version of our character – installing dermal handles allowing better manipulation of weapons and pop -up more detailed user interface, and an update of our retinas, which means we could see more about the world around us.

have a penchant for the criminal world in p arlant to a quest seller who wanted us to pick up an important badet from one of Cyberpunk's 2077 gangs … a group of punk people on the margins of society who are experimenting with improvements to diminish their own humanity. 19659036] We are told that this meeting can take many forms: we see it turn into a shootout after a tense and well-written dialogue that sees our character and his old friend negotiate with the crooks. However, you could choose to tell the truth about your intention or to launch guns.

Whatever it is, it's an interesting setup, and if all the game is set up the same way, then we're confident. saying that it will be one of the deepest and most satisfying RPG experiences on the market.

To this end, you will need to keep various factions in the city happy if you want to progress in the game – depending on who you impress (or piss …) different paths will open or get will come closer to you.

If you deceive businesses, they will use their incredible technology and financing to come after you. If you harbad enough gangs, you will find some parts of the city deadly for you. The whole game is a balance between being the kind of bounty hunter you want to be … without making things too hard for you.

Cyberpunk 2077 showed us a truly adult game: one who is not afraid to avoid mature themes or adult values, which embraces violence, nudity, explicit and the rude one in a way you rarely see the game.

This is not just made for shock, the whole world of Cyberpunk 2077 promises to be a deep neon dreamscape and well realized … that allows you to engage in any fantasy as long as you are willing to pay the consequences of your actions.

The game really can not happen soon enough.


Cyberpunk 2077 – Overview

Publisher: : CD PROJEKT RED
Developer : CD PROJEKT RED
Format : To be Published
] Release date : To be announced

Cyberpunk 2077 – What is it? [19659006] Cyberpunk 2077 is the next role-play of the famous developer CD Projekt Red, who will embark on a sci-fi scenario (unlike the previous title of the studio, The Witcher 3, which was part of the fantasy genre)

The game will take place in Night City – a sprawling metropolis in the future with characters from multiple nationalities, gender identities and clbades.

The game will be playable in either the first person or the third person, which could indicate a VR element will also be included in the game.


Cyberpunk 2077 – What We Know up to here

One of the main features of the game will be non-player characters speaking other languages ​​than those that players choose. in the beginning. If you do not understand the characters, you will be able to buy translation tokens to help you.

More expensive chips will do better for translating NPC speech – more you spend in chips, plus

The game will also experiment with a feature called "Braindance", a digital recording device released directly into the brain, which allows the player's character to feel the emotions, brain processes and muscle movements of another person. Unlike The Witcher 3 and CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 will include a multiplayer mode

Cyberpunk 2077 – Release Date

There is no official release date for Cyberpunk 2077, but according to the documents filed when the studio applied for a grant from the Polish government, it seems we can potentially wait for the game in 2019.

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Cyberpunk 2077 – Gameplay

Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt RED developer had some interesting things to say about booty boxes in video games during an interview with PC Gamer

Marcin Iwiński, co-founder of CD Projekt Red with the game is similar to what they offered with The Witcher 3: "many hours of play and a significant amount of content" and 50-60+ hours of main story, with up to a few hundred Schedule of activities schedule s "

Iwiński continued to badert that in terms of monetization the studio plans to act in the same way as The Witcher 3, removing paid updates of the content, as well as the smaller,

This is due to Iwiński's customer support in the gaming industry and his apparent disgust of predatory business practices with regard to surprise boxes and microtransactions: "The players retaliate, and I really hope this will change our industry for you "

Cyberpunk 2077 – History

A new update from Ryan Pergent, CD developer Projekt RED, revealed Interesting information on the history and narrative design of Cyberpunk 2077.

the author has described some of his experiences with the game and his story, revealing how the original pitch of the game caused some problems with the staff from the development studio during the early stages of his life.

Although Pergent Does Not Do It To give specific examples, it seems that the narrative structure of Cyberpunk 2077 has come up against its game design to a certain extent, with narrative beats apparently at odds with the aesthetic and open world of the title.

I inherit almost every position you can find in the studio. Designers, 3D artists, cinematic animators, gameplay animators, writers and coders. The work is exciting. The hardest part: writers hate design. I obviously can not talk about specifics because the game is not out yet, but the writers hate it. The most striking example is a meeting where all Leaders and Directors, including Adam, are gathered.

"Here, the main writer openly expresses his problems with the concept, echoing the opinion of his team.

keep it right and manage to defend the idea with the promise that I will not disappoint them and I do not do it.I rewrite the design almost entirely and come up with a better version that will satisfy everyone, including writers.Before that, I had nightmares the For real. "

Pergent continues to clarify the fact that it was only a small part of the game that was causing problems to the team, and that for the most part, the studio was doing well with the overall decor and theme of the title.

Apparently, these problems have now been solved.We are looking forward to hearing more about the game.


Cyberpunk 2077 – A Release of the PS5 and the Next Generation Xbox

A lot of news about Cyberpunk 2077 at this point, it looks like we could still play science fiction RPG in the years to come.

Piotr Nielubowicz and Adam Kiciński of CD Projekt Red recently spoke at the Pareto Securities Gaming Seminar 2018 event (you can read more about this below, too), and part of what they have said can nod to the future of the game.

Part of the presentation offered by the duo: that it would be built on the current and the "next generation"

This means that we could see an inter-generation version for the game, see an initial launch on PS4 and Xbox One, but then come to what Microsoft and Sony do next, too.

The disadvantage of this? This means that we will certainly not see the game soon, all that is intergeneric tends to end towards the end of the game console's life cycle … and the PS4 and the Xbox One certainly have some life. [19659007]

Cyberpunk 2077 – Near source material?

The original creator of the paper RPG and Cyberpunk pen, Mike Pondsmith, has weighed on the development of the game to say In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais, Pondsmith states that all of Cyberpunk's universe is built around of how ordinary people are using technology to fight those in the world. Pondsmith says that CD Projekt Red has managed to make the world as he imagined – something that gaming companies did not have the technology to do when an interactive version of his game was originally offered in the 80s .

It is clear that Pondsmith is excited that the version of the Cyberpunk 2077 video game is coming to life – something that could not be said of the original creator of The Witcher …

CD Projekt Red


Cyberpunk 2077 – Pre-Development

It is estimated that the development on Cyberpunk 2077 began in 2012. Since then, little has been revealed about the game except for a trailer.

government, awarding CD Projekt Red US $ 7 million, noted that the release could take place in 2019 and confirmed the use of REDengine 4 – something we have not yet seen publicly from studio.

In 2017, CD Projekt Red announced that the data had been stolen from the studio regarding the first concepts and development plans for the title, and that the studio was threatened with a ransom note.

CD Projekt Red announced that he would refuse to comply with the ransom, asking the players

CD Projekt Red will work with Mike Pondsmith, who created the original Cyberpunk 2020 table game, for s & 39 ensure that the game is in line with the property.

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