Dave Bautista must save a stadium filled with dubious bombs and accents in this trailer for Final Score


Just on the lens alone, it's easy to see how Dave Bautista made the transition from WWE professional wrestler to Hollywood movie star. You do not get too many people who look as intimidating as him and Hollywood has shown that they can draw from whole careers, as many of ETV's feature films on Friday night have been able to testify. What was surprising, however, is that the roles that really drew Bautista to fame had very little to do with his exuberant physique and his ability to skop, to ski giving and more with his timing. comic and his charisma. He stole several scenes as a literally hilarious Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy, and in Blade Runner 2049 he even was able to show a more dramatic and introspective side that hinted at the real dramatic depths to his hulk of one. man.

As surprising as these roles were, a man must eat, and what better way for Bautista to earn a few dollars than with the heroic deeds of the old brainless school. This brings us to Final Score – a movie that is essentially the sudden death of Jean Claude Van Damme but with football instead of ice hockey. This clbadic movie (which was already essentially Die Hard but in a sports stadium instead of an office building) was directed by Peter Hyams, the master of the clbad B action movie. He has a talent to elevate schlocky material to watchable status through a great choreography of action, while Scott Mann's main Score talent shown in his previous two features – The Tournament and Heist – seems to be just how much he can convince recognizable actors in his straight films on DVD. Robert Carlyle, Ving Rhames, Robert De Niro, Ian Somerhalder, Jeffrey Morgan Dean and many others appeared in his films, and now he has Bautista (who also worked with him on Heist) with Pierce Brosnan

. ] Not that you would recognize Brosnan through the almost caricature accent that he uses here. To be honest, it fits perfectly with the excessive accents used by Ray Stevenson and the other actors playing a group of East European terrorists who took control of a crowded football stadium of 35. 000 fans and placed explosive charges everywhere. These terrorists need ex-soldier Michael Knox from Bautista to hunt down the mysterious Dimitri of Brosnan in the crowd, otherwise they will blow everyone up. If you are wondering immediately why terrorists do not just try to find Dimitri themselves, then you clearly have a false impression of this type of film. Everything is in action … but even that does not look impressive, which is a feat when someone like Bautista does it.

Watch the trailer below.

Final Score was written by Jonathan Frank, Mann's creative partner on Heist, and is expected to be released on September 7 in limited cinemas (Sky's international customers Cinema

Last updated: July 26, 2018

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