Dead Space 4 allegedly featured a woman in an open world


Yes, please

Dead Space 4 would have been an open world experience with a female protagonist, confirmed the former art director of the franchise.

Speaking with Eurogamer, former Dead Space Ben Wanat, Creative Director, detailed what developer Visceral Games had in mind for the following shutters

"The Idea was trying to survive day by day against the infested ships, looking for a glimmer of life "The section of the flotilla in Dead Space 3 hinted at what could be a nonlinear gameplay, and j & Would have liked to go much further in that I thought you would start in a section of space, perhaps following a trail of ship carcbades to an orbital station that you think could have the parts and fuel needed for your ship to be able to Shock. "

Isaac Clarke would have been set aside so that Ellie Langford could play in Dead Space 4 .

"With the apocalypse, there was the opportunity of a clean break. It would not be necessary for history to include [Clarke]," said Wanat, adding that He had always "imagined [Langford] as protagonist of Dead Space 4 ".

] EA closed Visceral Games in 2017, moving the game Star Wars on which he was working to Uncharted editor Amy Hennig. Hennig has since confirmed that she left EA from January 2018 and that the game Star Wars was effectively set aside.

How excited are you for Dead Space 4 now that you've heard what Visceral had planned?

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