Democratic Republic of the Congo: scheduled end of the Ebola outbreak


Tomorrow (July 24) will mark 42 days since the identification of the last Ebola patient in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

If no other case of Ebola virus disease is identified, the DRC Ministry of Health Health will announce the official end of the epidemic Wednesday, July 25

This announcement will be a huge relief for people living in the affected area as well as for local and international stakeholders. However, even after the adoption of this milestone, this Ebola outbreak is a reminder of the persistent vulnerabilities that remain in the DRC and in many other parts of the world where fragile health infrastructure leaves communities vulnerable to deadly epidemics.

Experts and practitioners are available to discuss this response to the Ebola virus and to discuss the work that remains necessary to prepare for and prevent future outbreaks.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) .Media  70 - Democratic Republic of Congo: Expected end of epidemic outbreak Ebola

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