Devastated bridle as husband dies on honeymoon


A GROOM died four days after his lung cancer, despite the fact that he had no idea that he had the disease and that he was confusing the symptoms with food poisoning. .

Newlyweds Aimee, 33, and Alan Simms, 31, were on their dream getaway on the African island of Cape Verde when disaster struck.

Aimee devastated said: "In the space of 12 hours, he had gone from good and dandy to being dead.

"There was no sign [of lung cancer] there was no problem of coughing or breathing, nothing at all.

"It was horrible, I had been married for eight days, that's what I remember telling everyone, how can this happen?

It was love at first sight for the couple from West Yorkshire in the north of England, who met at JD's disco in Morley near Leeds in 2011.

 Aimee Simms 'husband, Alan, got sick just three days after their African honeymoon

Aimee Simms' husband, Alan, got sick three days after their honeymoon in Africa

"I knew right away", Aimee. "He was like a big teddy bear, he was just a big softie."

After Alan volunteered to go on vacation to Lanzarote, they knotted the knot at Morley on May 19 before leaving for their honeymoon on May 23.
The first two days were spent relaxing and exploring the island.

On the third day, they enjoyed a lazy morning before Aimee went to the pool and Alan phoned his mother to tell him about the "fantastic" time that he had spent.

 The happy couple had no idea that Alan was suffering from terminal lung cancer. "Title =" The happy couple had no idea that Alan was suffering from terminal lung cancer. "Data-largeimg =" .au / media / images / 2018/07/09 / imagev1b5e826fcd335d0bfd78f244d18f8d92a-so54whyuzyllz9rtkq2_t677.jpg "/><figcaption><p> <span> The happy couple had no idea that Alan was suffering from terminal lung cancer. </span></p></figcaption></figure></p></div><p> But a few hours later, he told Aimee, he felt so tired that he needed to sleep before dinner.</p><p> At dinner, Aimee said that he was very calm – contrary to his usual habit – and just wanted to go to bed right after that.</p><p> But at midnight he woke up violently ill and suffered from stomach ailments, which prompted Aimee to call an emergency nurse at 4am.</p><p> The nurse thought it was a food poisoning and gave her anti-sickness medications and pain relief before telling her to go to the clinic at 8 am to other tests.</p><div data-overlay-marker=
 Alan Simms deteriorated quickly after falling ill during his honeymoon. "Title =" Alan Simms deteriorated quickly after falling ill on his honeymoon. "Data-largeimg =" "/><figcaption><p> <span> Alan Simms deteriorated quickly after falling ill on his honeymoon. </span></p></figcaption></figure></p></div><p> Alan was very weak when he arrived at the clinic and the doctors struggled to monitor his condition. vital signs.</p><p> Aimee said: "I was right next to him, talking to him, he was really quiet.</p><p> "I was trying to rebadure him, saying," It's good, you have a bad belly "I was rubbing my forehead, there was nothing else but I could do it. "</p><p> As Alan continued to deteriorate, the doctors took Aimee away before suddenly asking him to leave the room while they began CPR.</p><p> Aimee remembers: "And they asked me to go to a room, it was at that time that I knew that he was dead, they said that they had done everything they could.</p><p> "I did not understand why we had suffered from diarrhea and illness and he died, I was just shaking."</p><p> Aimee was forced to return home without her late husband, who was brought home two days later.</p><p> "I left it behind me," she says. "On takeoff, I was crying just tears, it was horrible, we were gone on honeymoon and I came home alone.</p><p> "Short and long-term projects: we were going to sort out the garden, we wanted children, we had booked holidays for September.</p><p> "What am I doing now?" We planned things together, he was my best friend, we did everything together.</p><p> "I feel numb, I think I've cried so much, I'm running out of tears."</p><p> She said that she was comforted by the fact that Alan did not know what was going on or that he had cancer.</p><p> Despite living with a benign tumor in his brain – diagnosed when he was 19 – Alan had been fit and healthy, and worked as a gardener in the area.</p><p> But post-mortem cancer cells were also found in his liver.</p><p> Aimee said that all his friends are still in shock at his death. "He was so happy and friendly, he would do anything for anyone.</p><p> "You can not miss it – its size and percussive voice will leave a big hole."</p><p> <em> This article originally appeared on The Sun and has been republished here with his permission. </em></p></p></div><p></pre> </pre> [ad_2] <br /><a href=Source link