DOTA 2 lootboxes in the Netherlands now show rewards before they open



Earlier this year, Valve stopped player exchanges for Dutch CS: Go and DOTA players and CS: GO loot boxes completely deactivated. Now, loot boxes are back for DOTA players in the Netherlands, but they now show their content before the purchase.

According to a Redditor named Larhf, the Dota 2 Treasury for Dutch players now has a note saying, "Treasures in your area show their content before you open them." It's obviously the way around Dutch law to circumvent gambling charges, but that hardly solves the problem. All it does is make you bet effectively on the next safe. You can see what is in the one you are willing to buy, but you can not ignore it and you have to buy it to see what the next can hold. The chances of the system have not changed either, so the odds of getting an item of high rarity are still small, so players will likely have to buy multiple boxes to get everything they really want. .

On top of that, Dutch players can not buy multiple boxes simultaneously; they must be bought and opened one by one. This means that players probably have to spend less before they get something they want, but the element of randomization and play is still present – it has just been obscured.

There is apparently as empty the opening ceremony of booty chests of DOTA 2. You would otherwise have a flashy animation to tell you what stupid random cosmetics you have just paid for money. Now you know it before you open it.

I suppose that the loot box contains only garbage so that everyone closes everything and starts playing again. Or, it could aggravate the problem by ensuring that people continue to spend money until they can see that the next will give them something tasty before they open

Whatever it is, it just seems to move the poles. What do you think if? Is this a good way to start eliminating the scourge of loot boxes and cosmetic microtransactions – or just a strange kind of delayed play?

Last updated: July 26, 2018

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