Dr. Elizabeth Linder: What do you know about electronic cigarettes? | The Brattleboro reformer


The use of electronic cigarettes is an increasing trend nowadays, for adults, but also especially for teenagers. In a little more than a decade, this fashion has become a huge industry, with hundreds of thousands of users.

Consumption among adolescents has been growing fastest. The 2011-2015 National Youth Smoking Survey shows that the teenage rate was 2% in 2011 and only 16% four years later. In 2015, more teens reported using electronic cigarettes than conventional cigarettes (15% vs. 11%). Nearly one in four high school students and Vermont high school students tried an electronic cigarette.

If you are a parent, or an adult who takes care of children and takes care of them, what do you need to know about the e-cigarette ? cigarettes? Are they really a safe alternative to regular cigarettes? How do you talk about e-cigarettes to your children?

First of all, you must know the vocabulary.

The electronic cigarette is a shortened form of the word electronic cigarette. Sometimes called "e-cig", these devices have a battery inside that heats the liquid in an aerosol (vapor). The user inhales the steam into an activity that simulates smoking.

E-hookahs, sprays, sprays, sprays, personal sprays, mods or mods: all these words are other slang words used to refer to electronic cigarettes. . The slang is still evolving, so other terms can be used, especially by a teenager speaking in code to another teenager.

Vaping is the term used for the use of this device, because of the vapor that is inhaled. -The liquid, the e-juice and the vape juice are terms for the liquid used in the e-cigarette. Despite what you may hear from your teen, this liquid often contains nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin and flavors. Propylene glycol is an ingredient of antifreeze, but it is also used as a food additive in cosmetics and in some medicines.

Electronic cigarettes can also be used to inhale marijuana and other drugs. They are a convenient way to do this discreetly because many of them are created to look like ordinary objects, like pens, USB sticks and sharpeners.

The risks badociated with nicotine used in electronic cigarettes may be lower than with conventional cigarettes, but the long-term effects of vaping are still unknown. Electronic cigarettes are a new invention, on the market for only about 11 years.

Use in adolescents has increased rapidly over the last decade. It is now estimated that more than one in four students in sixth to twelfth grade and over one in three young adults have tried e-cigarettes. Because these statistics come from surveys in which teens self-reported their behavior, the number could actually be much higher. Electronic cigarettes are now the most common form of tobacco used by young Americans. Dual use (use of electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes) by the same person is common among young people and young adults (18-25 years old).

Scientists are currently studying the use of e-cigarettes to find out what she can

As a pediatrician, the risks for teenagers are my particular concern. I make a point of talking to my patients about this topic and I am concerned that teenagers often have misconceptions about the risks of vaping.

Nearly 20% of young adults believe that e-cigarettes cause no harm. they are moderately harmful, and only 26.8% think they are very harmful, according to the US Surgeon General.

We know that a youngster's brain continues to grow up to 25 years old and we know that nicotine and other addictive substances can affect this growth. Teens are more addicted when they start using an early substance. This also applies to nicotine, whether it is delivered in a vaping liquid or with conventional cigarettes.

In addition, research shows that adolescents who try vaping are more likely to use other addictive substances, such as regular cigarettes and marijuana. , alcohol and drugs. Teens are still learning to control impulses and make decisions about risky behaviors.

Aromatized electronic cigarettes are very popular, especially among young adults. More than 9 in 10 e-cigarette consumers reported using flavored electronic cigarettes to taste menthol, alcohol, candy, fruit, chocolate or other treats. More than 8 in 10 youth aged 12 to 17 who use e-cigarettes said the same thing. These flavors often contain harmful substances and when they are heated in aerosol form, micro-fine particles can penetrate deep into the lungs.

You have to dig a little to find information about the risks of the electronic cigarette. If you have a computer or cell phone, try searching for "e-cigarettes". The first lists to appear will probably be advertisements for vaping products. On these sites, you will find pictures of smiling people who tell you how good the products are. One site talks about how weddings, birthdays, and baby showers are good times to mess with your friends. And with so many flavors to choose from, how can you go wrong?

Dig a little deeper, and you can find good information online about e-cigarette concerns. This is a good way to educate yourself further.

Beyond all the health risks that seem to be badociated with vaping, there is the cost. A look at the websites of vaping products, and you will see that you can sink a lot of money into the purchase of all kinds of colorful devices and tasty liquids. All the temporary fun comes at the cost of long term goals, like saving for college, traveling abroad, buying a car, you name it.

My advice: avoid vaping and invest your time and money in something that will improve your life for a long time

Dr. Elizabeth Linder has been a pediatrician at Grace Cottage Family Health since 1997. A graduate of Pomona College and the University of Vermont School of Medicine, Dr. Linder completed her pediatric residency at the University of Vermont. New Mexico to Albuquerque.

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