Drinking, smoking increases the risk of death – The Zimbabwe Mail


Woman posing with several beer glbades

CAPE TOWN – A study found that the combined effects of alcohol use and smoking increase the risk of stillbirth and sudden death syndrome. Infant (SIDS)

19659004] The results relate to the Safe Pbadage study – probing the effects of smoking and consumption during pregnancy.

The international study tracked the smoking behavior of 12,000 South African and American mothers between 2007 and 2015 and compared the results.

Approximately 7,000 pregnant women from the Bishop Lavis and Belhar suburbs in Cape Town and 5,000 from the communities of North Dakota and South Dakota in the United States were followed.

while smoking during pregnancy – poses a three times higher risk of stillbirth, compared to women who abstained from these behaviors.

Columbia Uni Professor William Fifer says that smoking can also lead to placental insufficiency – a complication of pregnancy where the placenta is unable to provide a sufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and can not support completely the developing baby.


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