EA's Montreal Studio Motive works on the second unannounced game


The Montreal studio of EA Motive has an unexpected project.

Speaking to GameInformer, studio head Jade Raymond revealed, in addition to working on an unannounced action-adventure title, the Montreal studio also has a brand new game under active development

The project, which has no title or launch window, was launched by three developers

"They were super pbadionate, saying" do it prototyping, let's do it ", and We managed to give them Space to do it because it was exciting, "Raymond said.

The game has since evolved into a complete project, with more and more people joining development.

"People saw what was happening and more people wanted to join their team," Raymond said. "Now it's a full-fledged project, and we've been able to do it with Motive, which is one of the benefits of having a smaller studio."

Blake Jorgensen, CFO of Electronic Arts about the outdoor action-adventure that has been under development, saying that she has features that no one else has. has never seen before.

Alex Gilyadov is a writer for IGN. Make sure to check his YouTube channel and follow him on Twitter .

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