EU President backs WTO reform to avoid chaos


Beijing – The EU on Monday urged the United States, China and Russia to work together to ease global trade tensions, warning that they might otherwise turn into "conflict and chaos".

Comments by EU Council President Donald Tusk while Washington and Beijing are on the brink of a trade war that many fear could hit the global economy, while the United States have also chosen fights with allies in Europe and Canada. "19659002" It is the common duty of Europe and China. but also America and Russia, not to destroy [the global trade order] but to improve it, not to trigger trade wars, which have so often turned into hot conflicts in our history, "said Mr. Tusk in Beijing


Tusk spoke at an EU-China annual summit held Monday against a backdrop of growing trade discordance

The EU – the world's largest single market with 28 countries and 500 million of people – is trying to strengthen alliances with the pr The meeting between Chinese and European leaders in Beijing, which also included the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, comes as Trump prepares to s & # 39; To maintain in Helsinki with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Trump fueled growing grudge in an interview broadcast Sunday, in which he described the EU, Russia and China as "enemies" of the United States.

Tusk said the world needs trade reforms, no confrontation. I call on our Chinese hosts, but also Presidents Trump and Putin, to jointly launch this process from a comprehensive reform of the WTO [World Trade Organisation]"Tusk said. Today we are facing a dilemma: should we play? a tough game, like tariff wars and conflicts in places like Ukraine and Syria, or to seek common solutions based on fair rules, "said Tunck, at a meeting With Chinese President Xi Jinping attacked, an unprecedented attack since the end of the Second World War, we can not accept that the multilateral system is damaged by unilateral attacks, "he said, stressing the need for a" clean sweep ". a WTO reform

for discussions on the recasting of the WTO as In addition to steel and aluminum tariffs for US trading partners, Trump applied tariffs on Chinese imports of $ 34 billion in July. A response from Beijing to the letter.

Washington last week threatened new measures for $ 200 billion worth of Chinese goods. Beijing has announced that it will retaliate and on Monday, the Commerce Ministry said it had added the $ 200 billion threat to WTO complaints against Washington. China said Monday that its economic growth rate slowed slightly to 6.7 percent in the second quarter of 2018 from 6.8 percent in the previous quarter (19659003). The United States unilaterally caused US trade frictions will have an impact on the Chinese and American economies, "said Mao Shengyong, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics

" Now that the world economy is deeply industrial chains have become globalized, and many related countries will also feel an impact. "


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