Ex-Visceral Creation Director Lament & # 39; Dead Space 4 & # 39;


To say that he continues to sting that Dead Space the developer Visceral Games is gone (and with them for the moment, the franchise Dead Space ) is an understatement. It's a sad reality of the industry when your game is underperforming and your owner decides to reduce his losses. There is still this persistent question of "what if?" Well, in an interview with Eurogamer, the former creative director at Visceral Ben Wanat discussed what the team would do if Dead Space 4 had received the go-ahead.

To begin with, Wanat talks about how Dead Space 3 humanity would be on the brink of extinction thanks to the Necromorphs. As a result, the gameplay of Dead Space 4 would be more focused on the nonlinear aspect of exploration that was addressed in DS3 . "The idea was that you were trying to survive day-to-day against infested vessels, looking for a glimmer of life, searching supplies to keep your own little boat, trying to find survivors," says Wanat. "The section on the flotilla in Dead Space 3 suggested what non-linear gameplay might be, and I would have liked to go further in that." I thought you'd start in a section of the space, perhaps following a trail of ship carcbades to an orbital station that you believe could have the parts and fuel needed to operate your Shock vessel. universe, the ShockPoint Drive was a means of interstellar travel invented by an astrophysicist named Hideki Ishimura.)

Speaking of these abandoned ships, Wanat says that the possibility of going from ship to boat scraping supplies would have opened the creative doors for the ship. team to go crazy in terms of creating interesting environments. "The ships you will visit are those where the game would be truly diverse. Ishimura had some idea of ​​this diversity with the various themed bridges. But imagine a complete list of ship types, each with unique goals, floor plans, and gameplay. Our original prototypes for the flotilla Dead Space 3 had quite wild configurations that I would have liked to be able to use. "

As for the weapon system, Dead Space 4 I have revisited the system of craftsmanship introduced in DS3 which in his opinion, has removed the synergy that made the weapons special. "I think that, in our exuberance, we really relied on the mechanical past of Isaac, we managed to diminish this synergy with the craft system Dead Space 3 . I love the fact that it gave the players the necessary creativity to bademble their weapons, but it became very difficult to tune when you allowed players to break primary and alt-fire pairs. It would have been necessary to focus on re-tuning the balance of the weapon while giving the players a lot to play with. "

And then there is the subject of the protagonist of the series, Isaac Clarke.The end of Dead Space 3 left the door open to Isaac, Carver or Ellie to take the Necromorphs, or even to have an entirely new character at the helm. "With the apocalypse, there was an opportunity to take a break," said Wanat. "In his opinion, Wanat said that he would have liked to make a game with Ellie at the helm and always had "imagined as protagonist." from Dead Space 4 ".

To read the rest of the interview, including Wanat's opinion on the future of (if any) Dead Space you can view the link below. above.

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