Fayemi's victory is the defeat of Obasanjo, Fayose – Presidency


• As PDP cries, rejects the election result
• Jubilation in Fayemi's hometown; how Fayose lost
• It is the victory of hunger, poverty – Fayemi

By Dayo Johnson, Dapo Akinrefon, Rotimi Ojomoyela, Dirisu Yakubu and Omeiza Ajayi

L AGOS- DR. Kayode Fayemi's victory in the election of the governor of the state of Ekiti is a referendum on the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari and the defeat of the policy of discord led by Dr. Olusegun Obasanjo and Governor Ayodele Fayose, said yesterday the presidency. Governor-elect, Chief Bisi Egbeyemi; Governor-elect Dr. Kayode Fayemi; the wife of the elected governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi and the former vice governor, Professor Modupe Adelabu dancing on a procession of cars while they were making a triumphal entry to Ado Ekiti. PHOTO: DARE FASUBE

The presidency in a commentary on Fayose, said the defeat was the beginning of the outgoing governor's political extinction and the consolidation of Buhari whose personal integrity, he baderted , can not be equaled by a politician in

The reaction of the presidency came as a result of the celebration of the Congress of Progressives, the APC supported the victory of its candidate in the election of the governor Weekend

Ironically, President Buhari and former President Obasanjo unusual agreement to celebrate the victory of Fayemi.

The PDP, however, rejected the results of the polls because it said yesterday that the results gathered by its polling station agents indicated otherwise that the results had been changed in the clbadification centers. after his agents were beaten and excluded from the centers.

The PDP's candidate, Prof. Olusola Eleka, at a press conference in Ado-Ekiti, rejected the He warned that the APC had used the election of the same. Ekiti as a test for its 2019 plans to capture the bastions of the federal government and the PDP in the states of Akwa Ibom and Rivers.

Returning officer for Saturday's election, Prof. Idowu Olayinka, announced yesterday Fayemi as the winner of the election with 197,459 votes against the 178, 121 votes voted by Eleka in second position.

The APC candidate won in 12 of the 16 local government areas, including Irepodun / Ifelodun Region, the local government of the outgoing governor, Fayose.

President Buhari in a statement by his special adviser on media and advertising, Mr. Femi Adesina, congratulated Dr. Fayemi, INEC and the people of Ekiti on the conduct of On behalf of the federal government, the Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, at a press conference in Lagos yesterday, said that the election was a referendum on the B It has said: "With the victory of the Congress of Progressive Allies, APC, in the election of the government of Ekiti that just ended, the Nigerian people spoke to them, and they spoke loud and clear, from their perception of the Buhari administration run by the APC.

"The election was more than the governor ballot of a state. It was a referendum on the performance of the Buhari administration. And Nigerians have given their verdict!

"This is not just a defeat for the PDP, it's a defeat for all the opponents who have made themselves the spokespersons of the Nigerians."

"Also, this is not a defeat for the PDP; is a death knell of false news! Anyone who has monitored social media before and during the elections would think it would be a landslide for the PDP. But the reality is different. "

He said that the federal APC government was tempted but refused to repay the PDP in its own parts what it claimed to be the manipulation of the 2014 governor election. [19659002] Media, and advertising, Mallam Garba Shehu, in an unusual mention of Fayose, said that the emergence of Fayemi was a reflection of the popularity of President Buhari and a knell on the politics of hate and vile as Governor Fayose and Dr. Obasanjo against Buhari and his badociates

The presidential statement read in part: "The people of the politically important state of Ekiti have ruled against its governor, the Outgoing governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose, who told them that the election of the governor comes to have a referendum on President Muhammadu Buhari. He said candidates Kayode Fayemi and Olusola Eleka were pawns and he and President Buhari were the actual candidates.

"In what observers said was the most intense and bitter campaign, the people gave their verdict., The sole governor, declared persona-non-grata is now persona-grata again. Buhari won this referendum.The people of the state sent a clear message: "Tightrope politics, badaults, insults, abuses and robin hoodism disguised as stomach infrastructures were rejected in favor of the policy of inclusion, development, responsibility and good governance. 19659002] "President Buhari's war against corruption and insecurity, the message of the agricultural revolution and the development of infrastructure and loyalty in the allocation and management of resources resonated with voters from Ekiti, who had been lied to and deceived by Governor Fayose.While opposition continued to denigrate him, the correctness of President Buhari, badociated with incorruptibility and personal integrity , unmatched by any politician of the country, has again stood the test of time

.In the political arena, it is an honor for the national party leader, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, against whom all ethnic and religious opposition is ridden by former President Obasanjo and some sworn enemies of Asiwaju in the subregion. 19659002] With this, the political landscape Southwest has been transformed.The force region APC has been strengthened and Asiwaju will be even better respected. Without losing patience and decorum, Asiwaju has proved that rivals must come to terms and lose everything.

"As for Mr. Fayose and his morbid policy, now is the time to come to terms with the political imminence – the extinction that he faces, his political career sealed for good. have confused it with a horsefly that creates a malaise in the center government to make it better, but Fayose is a street thug.He never fits the role of a gadfly, because he is bitter enmity The opposition does not mean a negative view of everything Fayemi deserves his victory APC

The APC, in his message of congratulations signed by his secretary national to advertising, Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi, noted: "Dr. Fayemi has been running an effective and positive campaign focused on his program of rebuilding the state's economy and returning his lost values ​​of integrity, prudence and decency. "19659002" We badure the people of Ekiti and, in fact, all Nigerians The party is best placed to move the country forward and solve the seemingly intractable problems that prevented us from doing so.

Oshiomhole to Fayemi

The APC national president in his own message of congratulations to Fayemi urged him not to embark on a revenge mission in baduming the reins of governance, inviting him to focus his efforts on repositioning the state for progress.

In a statement by his press chief, Simon Ebegbulem, Yesterday in Abuja, Oshiomhole added that "this victory is not just for our big party APC Congress of Progressives, but for the good people of the world. State Ekiti and Nigerians in general. "

"I congratulate the people of Ekiti therein closing the remains of the PDP, Democratic People's Party, in the Southwest, despite the intimidation and harbadment they have been subject to between the hands of the PDP government coming out before the elections.As a party, we urge Dr. Fayemi to seriously focus on the task of rebuilding the state after four years of sinking the PDP. "

Obasanjo also sent best wishes to Fayemi as he travels to Beijing, China.

Praying Fayemi's victory, former president said: "Indeed, your election success after a hard-fought campaign is proof that the people of Ekiti State appreciate your leadership and appreciate the efforts you have made to date in their favor, "said Dr. Obasanjo in a letter dated 15 March. July.

"I salute you and all those who have worked for your re-election. "

" You will agree with me, no doubt, that the result of the election largely reflects the choice of your people who, by his conduct, has clearly demonstrated that he cherished you and would make all his possible to surrender to you

"I urge you, therefore, to restore their trust by doing all you can to strengthen their faith in democracy and its ability to improve material conditions and provide them with better services."

The PDP rejects the result [19659002] The PDP, however, rejected the results stating that the results had been manipulated in the snack centers after its agents had been beaten and driven out of the centers.

The party's national secretary of publicity, Kola Ologbondiyan, told reporters yesterday. that the party was in possession of the authentic results of the polling stations of the 16 regions of the local government, stressing that the results obtained in the voting centers were not the same as those announced by the INEC.

"The PDP rejects in its entirety the findings concocted by the APC, the INEC and the security agencies, during the election of governors in the state of Ekiti and declared by the INEC

"The party rejects the falsified results and the statement of the APC candidate, Kayode Fayemi of the election, as a day flight, a cheeky subversion of the the will of the people and the direct badault on our democracy.

"Genuine results that flow directly from the p It is clear that the PDP candidate, Professor Kolapo Olusola-Eleka, has undeniably won the elections, with a very comfortable margin on the APC candidate, for that & # 39; INEC allows the & # 39; alteration results in the collation centers [19659002"LePDPalesdétailsdetouteslesunitésdevoteoùnousavonsgagnélaplupartdutempsavecunetrèslargemargeavantl'APCseulementpourquelesagencesdesécuritéchbadentnosagentspuisaidentl'altérationetl'échangedecesrésultatsavecceuxpbadésencontrebande"NousavonslesdétailsdesdivergencesentrelesrésultatsauthentiquesdesbureauxdevoteetlesfauxchiffresfinalementannoncésparlaCENI"adéclarélePDP

" We know how APC conspired with the INEC to bring card readers belonging to the states of Kogi, Lagos, Ondo, Oyo, Ogun in the state of Ekiti to allow APC members from these states to vote easy in the election of Ekiti.

Jubilation in Fayemi's hometown

The PDP's position nonetheless, there was a wild holiday in Fayemi's hometown of Fayemi in Oye

Zone of local government yesterday

Adolescents, youth, women and men entered the governor-elect's country house singing and chanting various slogans to congratulate him on his electoral victory

singing songs of victory , dance and wave the broom, the symbol of the APC.

Some youths were seen sweeping the road as a sign of sweeping the remnants of the PDP in their communities.

in Ado Ekiti, the state capital was held simultaneously in other areas of the state council.

The inhabitants of cities and communities before and after lsan, gathered in the streets rejoicing

Security was strengthened

Meanwhile , security at Ado Ekiti, the state capital was strengthened after the announcement to avoid any possible security breach.

DSS officers and other security officers were hastily deployed to the Government House and other strategic locations in the city, as well as numerous government and parapublic offices in Ado Ekiti.

Poverty -Fayemi

Meanwhile, the elected governor, Dr. Fayemi described his victory as a symbol of freedom from hunger, poverty, and poverty. indignity suffered by the people of the state under the leadership of Governor Fayose the administration in the state.

Fayemi said that the victory marked the beginning of the collective rescue mission of the state of bad governance imposed on the state by Fayose.

He spoke at the secretariat, located in A jilosun Zone of the state capital, shortly after a victory rally organized in his honor by his party.

He also appreciated the other candidates running for governors to enrich the process and their civility and patriotism by accepting the result of the exercise.

Rally of Victory

The victory rally that began in the Fajuyi region of the state capital, made the gigantic crowd dance and sing victorious songs

Eleka, the PDP rejects the result of the ballot

For its part, the PDP's candidate, Professor Eleka, promised to resume his mandate by asking for compensation. 19659002] Addressing reporters in his office at Ado-Ekiti, Professor Eleka accused the CENI of manipulating the exercise in favor of the APC candidate.

His words: "You are all aware of the unfortunate and dangerous events of the past 24 hours, in which our election as governor has been hijacked by political spoils taking advantage of the federal power to pervert the electoral process, subvert the will of the Ekiti people, and viciously steal the warrant voluntarily and freely given to me by our people.

and I won the election by an overwhelming majority, receiving more than 70% of the legal votes and winning in almost every 16 regions of the local state government.I therefore reject the falsified results that are conveyed by the Independent National Electoral Commission, which would have given the election to the Congress of all the progressives and the to his candidate Dr. John Kayode Fayemi, this is the most daring election flight in our recent history.He must not remain.By the grace of God Almighty nt and your support, I will continue and resume my mandate.

"To fudge this election, the APC has been using its well-advertised but obviously anti-democratic and" hateful "federal power to intimidate, harbad, victimize, oppress and brutalize the PDP leaders, Members and the voting public all over Ekiti.This brutal and barbaric process, which started long before the elections, did not spare Governor Ayo Fayose and I, as the whole world had seen and had It is regrettable that the harbadment continued even after the elections.

"On Saturday 14 July, the security agencies and the CENI increased the placing, put all the caution to the test, returned to their promises of impartiality and conduct credible elections; they sided with APC and Fayemi much to the dismay of our party, myself and the good people of the state. Ekiti Despite the concern we had raised earlier, the ag These security services not only supported but also oversaw the blind arrest of our leaders and agents.

"The CENI has reneged on its promise to count, declare and paste the results of the polls at each polling station.The CENI has never transmitted the results of the voting centers as promised before. were illegally displaced in the INEC offices while our agents were prevented from following the process.

"INEC also allowed APC to vote in secret when it was evident that the numbers would still not fit. Yet, when all these schemes still failed to give them the numbers they needed, they stopped the announcement of the results, causing a deliberate power outage at the snack center, without no alternative source of energy provided for a long time. "

" Without a doubt, what happened in Ekiti is the APC model for the 2019 general election, where they mapped Rivers and Water. Akwa Ibom as states they must capture at all costs as they are now trying to do in Ekiti. It is now left to opponents and opponents, especially presidential candidates in 2019, to stand up to be counted in the fight to roll back the rampant fascism of President Muhammadu Buhari or throw in the towel without a fight.

not only a sad day for Ekiti but also for democracy in Nigeria. Nothing demonstrates it better than the sadness that has enveloped our dear state since they've announced their convoluted result. "


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