FG Pledges to Flood Support Victims in Ogun – Osinbajo | NTA.ng


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Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Wednesday badured victims of flood disaster in Abeokuta, Ogun, of Federal Government support and badistance.


The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that they are losing their lives while property is worthless. which lasted hours.

The Vice President in company of Gov. Ibikunle Amosun and other government officials visited some of the affected areas including Amolaso ​​Ago Ijesa, Itoku and Ijeja in the Abeokuta metropolis.

Osinbajo, who addressed journalists at Itoku area, described the incident as "unfortunate."

He, however, provided that the Federal Government would provide immediate relief to the victims

He said that the drainage system, channelization and the good infrastructure could be worse.

"A lot of drainage has been done so far" (19659004) "A lot of drainage has been done but then level of the rain has been so heavy that it has overtaken the infrastructure in place."

" So, what we are looking at is how the infrastructure can be enhanced

"We have to really sit down and look at

The Vice President said the incident of flash flooding was unavoidable, particularly in situations of heavy rains in areas like Ogun.


He advised that in such a situation, people living in valley areas should quickly move to "higher grounds."

"On the whole , the loss of lives is very unfortunate.

"The Federal Government commiserates with the state government and the families of the victims."

"I also wanted to say that God has been able to


NAN reports that some of the victims


NAN reports that some of the victims were seen salvaging their losses at the time of the visit. (NAN)

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Posted by Suleiman Idris

Suleiman Idris is a graduate of the Fed Univ of Tech Minna (BTECH Mathematics / Comp Science), Specialist in ICT Support Services. also proficient in online journalism tools and Social media management. I currently serve as I.T Officer with Africa's Largest TV Network NTA

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