Fortnite on your iPhone is unlike anything you've played before


Spice Games

Game of Phones: Every week I will choose a game for iOS or Android that is perfect for long trips, commuting or just when you want to leave the outside world

popularity that I honestly thought was possible in video games. The football players pbad the silk after their goals while the children learn to dance Scrubs.

The popularity of this game is due to several reasons, but I really believe that one of them is that you can play

Through a form of what I can only badume to be voodoo magic, Fortnite's Epic Games developers have somehow focused on an almost perfect version of the entire game on your iPhone or iPad. get on the train, load Fortnite and explore the same vast island and see the same beautiful graphics that appeared a moment ago on your TV running on your PlayStation 4. Just take a moment to think about it.

Epic Games

Yes, playing it is more difficult than if you were using a controller. What makes it really special is that it is not so difficult. Normally, playing a game like this on a phone would be a clumsy and infuriating mess.

After a few hours, however, you begin to get the impression that you learn it and at the end of the week it became the second. nature.

The premise of the royal battle of the game is simple: 100 players, an island and you fight until one person stays. To prevent things from happening, Fortnite's map and content are constantly evolving.

The game is based on the seasons and looks very much like TV shows, every season is teased inside the game.

Season 5 started this week, and with it the game suffered from Huge changes. A huge rift has appeared in the sky and begins to teleport objects everywhere. The sites have disappeared, new ones have sprung up and are scattered around the island, tiny faults that can teleport you from one side to the other.

Epic Games

Other new features include rifts that are now randomly distributed around the map. These small teleportation anomalies will send you across the map to another place.

There are now vehicles, or rather a vehicle, in the form of a hilarious OTT golf cart that can hold you together with three of your teammates

combined with the new gaming limit shrinks makes the game faster, harder to master and ultimately, leaves you all the more satisfied when you actually win.

Epic Games

In the end what makes the game so addictive, and so irresistible, is the way it earns money.

It's completely free, so technically you do not have to spend a single penny to enjoy all things. I mentioned above. Instead, Fortnite earns money with all the cosmetic items (clothing, gliders, dance moves) that can be earned or purchased.

Each season is accompanied by a new 'Battle Pbad'. which gives you access to all those cosmetic items that you fit. This is not a big sum of money and at no time have I felt like being pushed to spend it.

It's this combination of a no-pressure environment with the game's completely addictive gameplay that makes it quite unique as far as I'm concerned.

Fortnite is available for free download on iPhone via the App Store.

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