Galway International Arts Festival celebrates 41 years


The Galway International Arts Festival will feature highly acclaimed productions from here and elsewhere as it celebrates its 41st anniversary this year.

Over the next two weeks, the festival will feature more than 500 artists and performers in theater, dance, visual arts, music, literature and comedy

Festival Artistic Director, Paul Fahy said that this program was the most ambitious yet, with innovative large-scale productions from America, Asia, Australia, and Europe

. This year's big theatrical attractions are a student production from South Africa titled "The Fall," a critically acclaimed piece from the Baxter Theater Center

while the statue of colonizer Cecil Rhodes came down to the # At the University of Cape Town in 2015, seven students documented the protest in a powerful song and dance production scene.

The play captivated audiences and critics around the world, addressing issues of race, clbad, gender, and gender.

The Moon Rises On Shop St Galway And A Tidal Wave Of Newspapers Is Part Of A Free Art Installation At The Festival Gallery @GalwayIntArts @ rtenews @rtesixone # GIAF2018 [19659011] @David_Mach @CTribune @ daveoconnell1 #galway #museumofthemoon @morningireland ABvPkejxY8

– TERESA MANNION (@TeresaMannion) July 20, 2018

Another play at this year's festival is the world premiere of the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon's Incantata

] that he wrote in memory of his former friend Mary Farl Powers. The China National Traditional Orchestra will make its Irish debut at the festival and opera fans will be delighted with the new production of the Irish National Opera, Orfeo ed Euridice, which will premiere at the festival

. circus company, B Ackbone by gravity and other myths

Meanwhile, the opening speech of President Michael D Higgins will be held at NUI Galway

RTÉ Six One News of Tonight will air live from Galway at the opening of the festival.

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