Gang of poachers eaten by lions after breaking into the South African game reserve to slaughter the rhino herd


A gang of poachers who broke into a South African game reserve to slaughter a herd of rhinos were attacked and eaten by a pride of hungry lions.

A head and a number of bloody body parts were found near the scene after at least three illegal hunters were devoured by predators.

Staff at Sibuya Reserve, in East Province, South Africa, called in a helicopter to search for more poachers.

Quiet the six lions so that the police can enter and recover the remains of the abused poachers.

Owner Nick Fox, 60, said, "We found enough body parts and three pairs of empty shoes to suggest that the lions were eating. "They came heavily armed with shotguns and axes that we recovered and enough food to hold for several days, so we suspect that they were after all our rhino here."

The men were devoured at the Sibuya Reserve

The Park is Home to a Large Rhino Herd

"They were They clearly intend to kill rhinoceroses and cut their horns.

"But lions are our guardians and guardians and they chose bad pride and became a meal."

"While we are saddened by death, poachers here to kill our animals and this sends a very clear message to all other poachers that you will not always be the winner. "

The remains of the bodies were found as darkness fell on Tuesday. [19659002Personnelhadtowaituntilmid-dayfortheNazistoberescuedandretrievewhatwas

A police spokesman confirmed that this discovery had been made in the camp lions

South Africa

Captain Mali Govender said: "We do not know the identities but firearms were taken by the police and will be sent to the ballistic laboratory to see if they have ever been used to poaching. "

The game reserve is one of the most popular Eastern Cape with British tourists and home to the Big Five elephants, rhinoceros , buffaloes, lions and leopards and is located in 30 square miles.

In 2016, the reserve lost three rhinos when poachers entered the park and slaughtered them for their

Nine rhinos – all of which were fired with heavy caliber rifles – have already been killed by poachers in Eastern Cape Reserves this year.

Lions eaten by gangs are believed to be responsible

The most prominent animal kills of recent times came when US dentist Walter Palmer shot Cecil – a famous lion in Zimbabwe.

Palmer killed the black-maned male after the lion was lured from the Hwange Protected National Park by paying £ 35,000 to hunt the wild beast.

The father-two then disappeared when he became the target of furious protesters during the execution.


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The 13-year-old lion had been equipped with a tracking collar as part of a research project when he was killed.

The Palmer guide was accused of using a dead animal carcbad to lure Cecil out of a safe area. that the dentist said he was unaware.

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His plans to get Cecil's head up for his trophy room came to an end when one of Palmer's guides delivered the lion's remains to officials in Africa.

In February, a poacher hunts lions in the Umbabat Reserve near Kruger National Park. by the lions and was identified by her sister-in-law's head – the only part of her body left.

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