Vaccine manufacturers, representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and regulatory agencies in different countries began Wednesday a discussion to develop an international reference standard and reagents to evaluate the vaccine inactivated Sabin antipoliomyelitis . The first global workshop to discuss and finalize the candidate for the International Reference Standard for IPV is organized here by the Appropriate Health Technology Program (PATH) with the support of the Gates Foundation.
Vaccine Manufacturers from Various Countries, and 35 Agencies Including WHO, PATH, National Institute of Standards and Biological Controls (NIBSC), Great Britain, US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates (BMGF) Kutub Mahmood, Scientific Director, PATH told reporters that during the workshop, they hope to have a consensus on the global standard for IPV.
Fred Cbadell of PATH, Martin Eisenhawer and Tiequn Zhou of WHO, Shanda Boyle of BMGF, Phil Minor of NIBSC and Harshavardhan of Bharat Biotech spoke of the roadmap of this global collaborative effort to develop a polio vaccine
affordable and effective
. from China and Japan, it is necessary that other manufacturers meet the demand for VPIS to help provide the vaccines needed for the global eradication of polio. [19659002] With the successful global eradication of poliomyelitis in the near future, immunization with oral polio vaccine will be discontinued. Experts say that IPV will be more effective than oral vaccine
. They said that this help overcame problems in the northern states of India such as Uttar Pradesh where children receive dozens of oral polio vaccines. They believe that 2 to 3 doses of IPV will be sufficient
It has been reported that about 230 million doses of IPV at an affordable price would be needed each year for worldwide vaccination.
The experts also stressed the need for GAP III containment facilities. for polio vaccine manufacturers, including measles polio vaccine
Kutub reported that 18 manufacturers worldwide, two of them Indian, are committed to the development of IPV. Panacea Biotech and Bharat Biotech from India are in various stages of development.
Martin Eisenhawer of the WHO said he would collaborate with national regulatory authorities regarding the manufacture and control of IPV.
The proceedings of the workshop will be submitted to the WHO – Expert Committee on Biological Standardization for further deliberation and approval of the International Standard for IPV.
Bharat Biotech, based in Hyderabad, played an important role in the organization of this workshop. The city has been chosen to be a major vaccine manufacturing center in India and for its contribution to the eradication of polio and other vaccines in India, other developing countries and other countries. International Organizations
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