Google allegedly slow YouTube on purpose when using Firefox


YouTube is definitely slower on other browsers. That's because revamped YouTube relies on a special item that's found only on Chrome, but fortunately there is an easy solution. ( Gerd Altmann | Pixabay )

Some users have reported that the revamped YouTube, launched almost a year ago, seems to load slowly when using n & # 's Any browser other than Google Chrome, and it is very clear why.

According to Chris Peterson, a program manager for Mozilla, this is not the fault of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari – it's Google. The redesign of YouTube is based on an outdated DOM API that is only implemented in Chrome, forcing other browsers to render YouTube five times slower.

It's not just Google that slows YouTube on other browsers

time for Google to favor its own browser by deliberately making use of its sites and services on from other browsers. Platforms such as Meet, Allo, Google Earth and many others have all been blocked on Edge in the past, and some of them have all been blocked on Firefox. As The Verge notes, it seems that Chrome is slowly morphing into Internet Explorer 6 next – with developers primarily preferring Chrome then working on rival browsers later.

Not only does YouTube slowly load using other browsers, but the experience can often be far from pleasant as well. For example, when you visit YouTube, users continue to download and install Chrome with various pop-up notifications. When users install Chrome, they find that YouTube loads much faster, preventing unaware users from thinking that Edge, Firefox, and Safari are just bad browsers.

To find out why Google does this, wrote:]:

"I guess Google has measures showing that the redesign of Polymer increases the engagement of Firefox and Edge users more than polyfills slow hurt him. " Interestingly, "YouTube still serves the pre-Polymer design to [Internet Explorer 11] by default so that they can choose to serve it to Firefox and Edge as well."

How to solve the problem "YouTube is slow on my browser"

Fortunately, there are workarounds to this problem, and they are quite easy to do. See the instructions below.

For Edge Users : Edge users must download Tampermonkey from the Microsoft Store. Then go to Settings, find the option "extensions in the edge" and activate Tampermonkey. Download this script to force YouTube into clbadic mode

For Safari users : Similarly, Safari users must download the Safari version of Tampermonkey. Click "Trust" when the browser displays an installation prompt. Then, download the script above to force YouTube to use the clbadic mode

For Firefox users : Firefox users only need to download this YouTube Clbadic extension to force the loading of the site. ] View now: 30 Gadgets and Gifts for Father's Day 2018 This Dad Will Think of Being Rad

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