Grace Mugabe ally calls for the arrest of Mnangagwa, Chiwenga's wife – report


A former Zimbabwean minister who was on trial for fraud allegedly requested that President Emmerson Mnangagwa also be charged with acting under his instructions when he had contracted a communications company without the contract is open. Former Energy Minister Samuel Undenge is charged with fraud after awarding a contract to Vice President Zanu-PF Psychology Maziwisa and the former news presenter of Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation ( ZBC) Oscar Pambuka, according to an article in NewsDay.

The former Energy Minister recently denied these accusations, claiming that he had acted according to Mnangagwa's instructions – while he was still vice-president – when he was in charge. he awarded the offer to Fruitful Communications. He added that he complied with the directive because the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) public relations department was not working well.

Undenge's attorney, Alex Muchadehama, said last month that his client had only added his signature to a letter. which was written by the two co-owners of Fruitful Communications, said the report.

According to New, during his brief appearance this week, Undenge demanded the arrest of Mnangagwa and the wife of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Merry, for fraud.

He said that the country's criminal justice system was a travesty because "corrupt" ones who stole millions were not charged while he was being sued for $ 12,000. he had not stolen.

He said among them Chiwenga's wife had earned millions under a nonexistent society.

He said that both had been linked to corruption but had still not been arrested.

Undenge also told the court that he was targeted for supporting former first lady Grace Mugabe as a successor to her husband Robert Mugabe.

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