Have you registered as an organ donor?


Register as an organ donor today!

There are about 4,300 people in South Africa waiting for an organ or cornea transplant to save their lives.

Unfortunately, many people waiting for transplants will not see Christmas this year and many will be on the transplant list.

By registering as an organ donor, you have the power to save up to seven lives.

One of the crucial parts of organ donation is to understand the process involved, from the start.

The Donors' Foundation (DFO) highlighted the key factors of the process:

How to become a donor of organs?

The process is simple. Register online or call the Donor Foundation toll free line at 0800 22 66 11. ODF will then send you a small organ donor card to fill out and to carry in your wallet, as well as a sticker to put Your identity document and your driver's license

Who can be a donor?

Anyone who is healthy and free of defined chronic diseases that may harm the recipient will be considered a possible donor. 19659011] Do I need medical tests to register as a donor?

Medical tests will only be performed at the time of death. This will involve medical professionals badessing your medical and social history, performing blood and culture tests, and performing a physical examination. This is done to make sure your organs and tissues are appropriate for the gift.

What is the difference between the donation of organs and tissues?

An organ transplant takes place after an individual has been declared a brain dead but is still supported a respirator, while tissue recovery may still take place several hours and even days after the death . Another difference is that the recipient will receive the organ taken shortly after recovery, while the tissue is usually stored in a special tissue bank and is therefore available for use as and when needed.

Which organs can be transplanted? , the liver and pancreas can save three lives and your kidneys and lungs can help up to four people. You can save seven lives.

Which tissues can be transplanted?

You can help up to 50 people by donating your corneas, skin, bones, tendons and heart valves.

Can I accept to give only a few organs? or fabric and not others?

Yes. Please tell your family which organs / tissues you do not wish to donate.

Is there a fee to register as a donor?

No, it does not cost anything to register as an organ donor.

Can I donate while I am alive?

Yes, in some cases. Live donations, such as kidneys, are often made between family members because blood types and tissue types are more compatible. This ensures a higher success rate.

Is a donor delaying the funeral? Once the organs / tissues have been removed, the body is returned to the family for burial or incineration. Does the gift leave my body disfigured? The greatest respect and dignity are given to the donor at all times. The recovery of organs and tissues is done with great care by surgeons and qualified personnel, and the process does not change the way the body looks

Are there any religious objections to transplantation? it's compatible with the preservation of life. If you are not sure, you should talk to your spiritual leader.

Can I change my mind?

Yes. You can change your mind at any time. Simply tear up your donor card and remove the sticker from your ID and driver's license. Please inform your family that you no longer wish to be an organ / tissue donor.

What your family needs to do to make sure your wishes are heard:

Talk to the health care professional who cares for your loved one. Inform them of the wishes of your loved ones. Ask for the nearest transplant center or call toll free 0800 22 66 11.

It is important for registered donors to inform family members of their wish to donate their organs when the time comes.

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