Hearthstone developers unveil new legendary Doctor Boom map (updated)


Update: Brian Kibler has just completed the show The Boomsday Project today, and the title is that Blizzard has released the big boy himself. . The good doctor is back, but his new form is very different from the ubiquitous minion that has found its way into just about every bridge in the Goblins vs. Gnomes era. The new Dr. Boom, subtitled "Mad Genius", is still a legendary map of 7-Mana, but it is now a "Hero Map". exclusive to the Warrior clbad. This means that when you play it, it will replace your existing hero and trigger a bunch of extra benefits. These are: Gain 7 Armor immediately, all your Mechs acquire the keyword "Rush" (allowing them to attack other minions at the turn where they are played), and a power Enhanced Hero's Called "Big Red Button"

is probably the most exciting and potentially controversial aspect of the new Doc because it relies heavily on RNG. Each turn, the button will cycle through the five possible options shown above. None of them is bad, but what you need will largely depend on the current state of the game you are in.

  • Micro-Squad: Summon three 1/1 Microbots.
  • Zap Cannon: Damage 3
  • Shield of Shooting: Gain of 7 Armor
  • KABOOM!: Deals 1 damage to all enemies.
  • Drone Delivery: Discover a Mech. [19659008] Nevertheless, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is very powerful and fun. Like Hagatha from the previous set, it's a high utility map with the potential to generate substantial value. I would expect Mech Warrior's mid-range to be one thing, baduming that the expansion adds enough new playable Mechs to the Standard Pool.

    Elsewhere in the current, we also saw new Priest cards with a Deathrattle Synergy Quest Card, plus a 2-Manas Warlock spell that turns a card into each player's hand into a Demon. This sounds like the kind of thing you do not want to do, but it has a high potential for disruption against opponents who perform combo decks like Malygos Druid or Shaman Shudderwock – the idea being that you hold the spell until you reach it. your opponent has the most important minion in hand, then turn it into something useless like an Imp Flame. You can see all the cards revealed up to now on the official website. The Boomsday Project Will Be Launched on Tuesday, August 7

    Original Story:

    Blizzard Will Unveil Some of the New Cards That Will Come In The BoomsDay Project, The Expansion Of Hearthstone That Has Been Announced earlier month. The event will be organized by Peter Whalen, Hearthstone senior designer, and Brian Kibler, notary pro of the card and half of the ultimate power couple of Hearthstone.

    Visit an old friend. At Blizzard for the #Boomsday card reveal the flow today at 10 pm PDT! Tune in to https://t.co/3ef7wQrCrH pic.twitter.com/D1y16e3IN5July 23, 2018

    We've taken a look at some of the new Boomsday cards, when the # Expansion was announced, then again last week, when Tim shared his thoughts on three new cards including one called Mulchmuncher, who is apparently a giant hippo robot that eats Treants. I can not promise anything, but if I had to guess I'd say it's probably going to weigh in with a similar badysis of the cards revealed today at some point in the not-too-distant future. Man Loves His Cards

    The Great Hearthstone: Boomsday Project broadcast live begins at 10 pm PST / 1 pm ET today, July 23, on Twitch Integrated below for your convenience.

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