How Apple could use NFC to enhance the HomePod experience


I fantasized a lot about the future yesterday, and I had the idea to improve the HomePod experience. It involves the use of NFC to allow multi-user support.

[ Apple Pay Dominance, NFC in HomePod – Daily Observations TMO 2018-07-31 ]

A Shared HomePod Experience

Apple has largely designed its devices to be personal to an individual. Unlike the Mac, you can not have multiple users on your iPhone, iPad or HomePod. The closest thing to a shared experience is sharing the iCloud family.

 The HomePod experience can be improved with NFC, as shown here

My idea is to enable multi-user support on the HomePod that works with NFC. Imagine that you can access a friend's HomePod, whether your iPhone or Apple Watch is nearby and that your Apple ID with all your preferences is shared

. It would be great for Apple Music. As I chatted with Dave Hamilton and Jeff Gamet on today 's TDO, it would be nice to let people add songs to a queue that would then be played on the TDO. HomePod. If you want to read a playlist, simply hold your device on the HomePod and load your profile. It would not need to be an NFC feature either. Apple could add that via software.

A privacy feature that would be beneficial is to have your HomePod profile automatically erased from the device after a certain period of time, say 24 hours. As Jeff mentioned, it would be great if you use an AirBnb that has a HomePod.

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