How can you protect your brain against the radiation of mobile phones?


Mobile phones can prove to be very dangerous for your health. According to a recent study, the long-term exposure to radiation emitted by mobile phones could have a negative effect on the memory performance of certain brain regions of teenagers using mbadively phones.

More information on the study:

700 adolescents in Switzerland. Scientists from the Swiss Institute of Tropical Health and Public Health (Swiss TPH) have studied the relationship between exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) wireless communication devices and the performance of the memory in adolescents. being exposed to a cell phone for more than a year, it may suffer from a negative effect on its development of performance of figurative memory.

While Figural Memory is primarily located in the hemisphere and the right brain badociation, RF-EMF affects more of the right side of the head when teenagers use their mobile phone on the same side.

Read: 5 Reasons Why Students Should Control Their Cell Phone Use

" -EMF Absorbed By The Brain Is Responsible For The Associations Observed ," Martin said Roosli, Head of Environmental Exposures and Health at Swiss TPH.

The rapid evolution of information and communication ion technologies (ICTs) accompany an increase in exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF- EMF) in our daily lives.

The most relevant source of exposure to the brain is the use of a mobile phone near the head.

Several studies have been conducted to identify the potential health effects of RF-EMF, although the results are inconclusive.

Wireless Communication Can Be:

  • Send SMS
  • Playing Games
  • Internet

" A unique feature of this study is the use of data collected objectively by the mobile phone users from mobile operators ", said Roosli

. the influence of other factors

Image of representation

For example, says Roosli, the results of the study may have been affected by puberty, which affects both the l 39; use of the mobile phone and the cognitive and behavioral state of the participant. " It is not yet clear how RF-EMF could potentially affect brain processes or how far our results are in the long term ," he added.

Previous studies on the harmful effects of mobile phones:

In 2015 a study conducted by the French government showed that the EEG model of the brain (alpha band) could be altered by the radiation of the GSM mobile phone.

In 2013 a study of Italian mobile phone proved that there may be changes in brain activity (ie. cortical excitability) if exposed to a GSM mobile phone for 45 minutes.

In 2011, an Australian study demonstrated that our brains can have a negative effect on cognitive functions if they are exposed to 2G and 3G radiation. ] (Photo: Getty Images)

Also, an American study published the same year in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) demonstrated that 50 minutes of cell phone use have changed the blood sugar of the human brain. metabolism in the brain region closest to the phone antenna.

In 2010, US scientists discovered that pulsed radiation from ordinary cell phones can cause potentials evoked by the human brain (Eps). 19659002] How to protect oneself from this radiation?

  • Keep Your Mobile Phones Remotely
  • Try talking in speaker mode because holding a cell phone near your ear can expose your salivary glands to EMFs.

According to Roosli:

"Potential risks to the brain can be minimized by using a headset or speakerphone during the call, especially when the quality of the network is low and the phone is operating at maximum power. "

  • Try to talk on other platforms of communication instead of a mobile
  • Use an EMF shield, a device that restricts radiation

See also: Haryana teachers can no longer use cell phones in clbad

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