How Samsung Galaxy S9 flourishes for professional use


The world of computer science is entirely focused on the so-called "user experience". Every interaction with a computer must be good. And there is not one type of personal computer users that deploy more than just smartphones.

Smartphones are all personal tastes. Brand, screen size, thinness, battery life, color, protective coating, applications – these attributes all help define who we are lagging behind in the second decade of the twenty-first century. We, indeed, ARE our smartphones. How did we ever operate without them?

Motor vehicles, also emblematic of our personality, were simple extensions of our legs, requiring only the basic requirements to take us from one place to another. Now they move / think robots using hundreds of computers to decide where and when to transport us to other places.

In parallel, smartphones are quickly becoming our new brains. We do not need to remember anything anymore; Google can tell us in a few seconds. Waze can tell us about the best way to arrive quickly. We can communicate with one of our friends in seconds using email. Duplex applications will soon order dinners or haircuts for us with little or no human intervention.

The smartphone as brain extension?

To delegate this kind of professional thinking to a simple portable device is a scary thought. Will our brains even be needed in a few generations?

As you use your brain to determine if this last statement is true, we are changing the subject a bit for smartphones and how they work in a business environment. Most of those available now are quite sophisticated; you probably can not go wrong with any of those made by Apple, Samsung, Asus, Acer, Huawei, LG and others. But there are differences, and they often involve personal tastes.

First, know what type of user you are. If you check social networks, messages or emails over the average of 82 times a day, you may need a top quality smart phone, able to withstand the rigors of the crowd. You may need a high end, such as an iPhone, a Samsung S9 or something else.

This brings us to know if the new Samsung S9, which has received a lot of attention lately, may be a better device to use in a workplace than an iPhone, or a Google Pixel. Again, personal taste and trust in a manufacturer come to mind here, although most of these phones are made in similar factories in China or in other countries of the Far East. -East.

I use both an iPhone 6 (AT & T, provided by my employer) and a Samsung 9 (Verizon, my personal device) for work and personal tasks, and I deploy them every day – Even though I am occasionally blamed for having two phones. Whoever is charged, which network is the strongest and whoever has the application I need at this time is the one I use.

Samsung 9 vs. iPhone 8: Two of the best available [19659002Jemerendscomptequelefaitd'avoirdeuxtéléphoneshautdegammecommeceux-ciestquelquechosequelaplupartdesgensn'essaierontpasdefaireparcequeceseraitàlafoiscoûteuxetredondantpourdenombreusesutilisationsMaiscommejefaissouventdescritiquesdeproduitsici eWEEK I do now for that reason. I also spend a lot more time with a camera than many people; I've had S9 since March, and here we are four months later. I think I know this phone as well as anybody.

An important thing that stands out: the S9 has not lost battery power in this time frame. I can not say that for the other phones that I have reviewed, including the iPhone 8. The S9 is still as responsive today as it was in March , when I unpacked it for the first time.

I found myself leaning more and more towards the S9 cards, security, voice, photography and video – all the tools that business people regularly use

Galaxy S9: Best Camera available to date

Why? I have never used a better phone camera than that of the S9, and I have a deep respect for the camera of the iPhone. Not only is the S9 the most accurate autofocus lens I've ever used, but it's very responsive, the editing features are easy to use and intuitive, and Google offers 15GB of free storage for all images, mobile and others. [19659002AppleneproposespascelaAfter5Goilfakepay(butonlyasmallquantity)forstorageintheiCloud
Here are the main data points around S9 and S9 + and how they relate to a professional user:

  • and the performance of S9 is fast. Snapdragon 845 from Qualcomm is a powerful processor; Android 8 Oreo sets a new standard for responsiveness of the user interface. The faucets and the gestures on the screen are without delay and applications are launched without delay.
  • Samsung offers an exceptional battery life in its Galaxy S9. The Galaxy S9 comes with a talk time up to 22 hours on a single charge and can play music continuously up to 80 hours. The Galaxy S9 + bump these steps up to 25 hours and up to 94 hours on talk time and music playback. Apple's iPhone X can provide up to 21 hours of talk time. It can play audio up to 60 hours. All three handsets support wireless charging.
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 comes with 4GB of embedded memory and 64GB of storage, which, according to Samsung, should suffice for most users. The Galaxy S9 + has the same 64GB of storage, but its 6GB of RAM should translate into slightly better performance with resource-hungry applications than the Galaxy S9. Those who buy Apple's iPhone X can choose between 64GB and 256GB of storage. The Apple iPhone X has 3GB of RAM
  • For professional users who need cameras during their workday (insurance, sales, real estate professionals and others ): A dual camera with optical stabilizer videos and 12 megapixel photos, especially in low light conditions. This time, it's a super slow motion, a mode that can record 960 frames per second and extend 0.2 second frames into a six-second clip.
  • Important security distinction for business users: Biometric characteristics. Apple offers a unique biometric security option in the iPhone X with Face ID. The feature badyzes the face of a user to unlock the operating system and check purchases made through the Apple Pay mobile payment service of the company. The owners of Galaxy S9 will find a face scanner, a fingerprint sensor and an iris scanner in the devices. A new intelligent scanning feature simultaneously uses the face scanner and the iris scanner to verify the identity of a person and give him access to the operating system.
  • Third-party software is another area of ​​concern for some users. It is therefore important to note that, even though the devices run different operating systems, they provide access to all the applications that users may want, thanks to the Google Play market on Galaxy S9 and the Apple App Store on iPhone X. Best of All, since all devices are powerful, they can work with any application available in these markets.

In summary:

  • The S9 has a more advanced camera with more options than the iPhone, although the excellent iPhone camera
  • My user experience, with both phones being powered from 6am to 11pm each day: The S9 clearly has a longer life than the iPhone.
  • The S9 has a Knox security; the iPhone does not do it. Centrify, which provides Knox security software for the S9, is one of the most progressive security companies in the industry. The S9 has roughly the same processing power as an iPhone 8, with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 and Android 8 Oreo. the execution of the device.
  • Price: S9 is between $ 560 and $ 720 for a 64 GB storage; S9 + ranges from $ 779 to $ 912 for a 64GB storage; and the iPhone 8 goes from $ 480 to $ 700 for a 64GB storage.

Happy smartphone purchases!

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