I finally found the perfect place to live in No Man's sky


Screen Capture: No Man's Sky

I Played No Man's Sky for dozens of hours and I did not I've never found a planet that I wanted to call my home. This week, I finally succeeded.

I started playing No Man's Sky at launch, before building bases was an option. At that time, I thought that if the game allowed me to make a small house on a planet, it would be rather perfect for me. Since that time, No Man's Sky has not only added basic build, but also vehicles and multiplayer, as well as other improvements to the generation of graphics and terrain . It's prettier and better than ever – the perfect place to install.

Being able to create a virtual house that I can customize to my liking is one of the gaming experiences that I enjoy above all else. I live in a small apartment with two roommates, and my tastes in clothing and home decor sometimes clash with theirs. I can decorate my own little room, but get the opportunity to decorate an entire virtual house in The Sims or a base in Dwarf Fortress seems to me such a relief. But I have not managed to find a place in No Man's Sky that fits my criteria. It's frustrating.

I do not think I'm too difficult. I just wanted a planet with grbad and trees that is not constantly beset by acid rain, or anything, and that has a nice sunset. A lake would be nice too, but I will not cry if there is none.

Unfortunately, I had an exceptional bad luck. All the planets that I find have been deserts or toxic waste lands. A planet on which I landed just before the update of Next was not just a completely barren desert, but also had what looked like hundreds of animals while screaming at once . I could not wait to get out of there.

Screenshot: No Man's Sky

Since the update, the planets have changed a lot; places that were once deserts became forests. I have tried some other habitats, always hoping to find the perfect place. One of the first planets that I tried after the update had lush green grbad and deep forests, but there were also intense boiling monsoons every five to ten minutes. No thanks! Another was a frozen tundra, which was pretty, but not for me. I do not like the cold. The next half dozen planets were deserts, irradiated or otherwise uninhabitable, or they had aggressive sentinels chasing me off the planet. Tuesday I was about to give up. Then, after landing in another desert, I decided, on a whim, to visit the moon of this planet.

By the time I landed, I knew it was that one. The surface was carpeted with blue grbad, and everywhere I looked, I saw huge trees with red leaves. And take a look at these weird deer things:

Screenshot: No Man's Sky

My moon revolves around a planet ringed, and sometimes when I look up, I can see these rings on the horizon. I found a beautiful hill overlooking a small grove of trees and I decided to make my base there. Right now, it's just a little wooden hut, but soon I'll build a network of rooms and farms and a portal so that I can drift to and from my base at will

This was like falling in love with someone new. It is electric and exciting, but also it makes you feel at peace and at ease. That's where I'm supposed to be.

I have not found a lake, but hey, you can not have everything.

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