IN FULL Agrarian Reform: the ANC will amend the Constitution


ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa announced Tuesday night that the ANC National Executive Committee had decided to amend the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation.

After the two days of NEC Lekgotla in Tshwane, he stated that the ANC "Through the Parliamentary Process", "would finalize a proposal to amend the Constitution that would more clearly specify the conditions under which the 39, expropriation of land without compensation can be carried out. "

" It has become clear that our people want the Constitution to be more explicit about the expropriation of land without compensation, as evidenced by the public hearings (on the Expropriation of land).

"More and more South Africans are of the opinion that the constitution as it is formulated does not prevent

Read his full unedited statement below. :

South African Companions [19659002] Comrades and Friends,

The African National Congress has just concluded a two-day NEC Lekgotla in Tshwane

The Lekgotla has focused on a number of number of issues, including the current status of our economy, job creation and agrarian reform.

He then engaged on issues of governance, social development and more general transformation. which will be specified by the Secretary General tomorrow.

We thought that it was important that the president of the ANC articulated clearly and unambiguously the position of the organization on two essential issues for the economic development of our country e t the well-being of his people.

The first is the implementation of the resolution of the ANC on agrarian reform.

With regard to agrarian reform, the ANC applauds our people, from all walks of life, including the rural poor, agricultural laborers, the unemployed, the landless, urban dwellers, and farmers and farmers. traditional leaders – for expressing their point of view on this critical issue.

Our people have expressed openly and without fear or favor their opinions on the land issue.

They proposed solutions on how the land question can be posed.

The ANC reaffirms its position that the Constitution is a mandate for radical transformation of society and the economy

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