In Microsoft Land, the cloud comes to you! Office 365 must be transferred to the 2019 Office server on site • Registry


Microsoft has launched a commercial preview of this new version in the form of on-site versions of its Server and Office applications

while the software giant really, really wants its customers to be comfortably seated in the world. loving embrace. From Office 365, the Redmond Towers Realists agree that a large portion of their customers prefer to keep their data in their own data centers.

Since these users obviously do not see all the goodies that appear regularly in Office 365 updates, the 2019 release should bring a temporary sense of parity.

Exchange 2019

Exchange 2019 can now take advantage of 48 processor cores and 256 GB of RAM. Handy for indexing and search powered by Bing, as well as the usual tasks of messaging and appointments.

Do not transmit and simplified calendar sharing, already familiar to Office 365 users, make an appearance as well as tools to help administrators delegate permissions

Unfortunately, the update fairy gives and disappears, and users will say goodbye to the Unified Messaging role. A Skype for Business Server or an existing third-party PBX will no longer be able to connect to an Exchange 2019 mailbox. Instead, you will need to either skip to Skype for Business Server 2019 and use Cloud Voicemail, or either bite the bullet and migrate. to Office 365.

There is again this damn cloud.

Skype for Business Server 2019

Those who have inflicted Skype on their organizations will see an on-site upgrade that, frankly, only applies to cloud features.

Unified Messaging being discreetly moved from a practical balcony, Cloud Voicemail will provide voice mail services, with messages stored in the user's inbox, unless users choose to keep the previous version of Exchange. The cloud auto attendant is now supported, providing an always up-to-date way to irritate callers with endless menus. Finally, Cloud Call Data Connector will transfer call quality data into Office 365, which means that data should not be stored locally.

Unsurprisingly, Skype for Business 2019 also includes tools allowing users SharePoint in its migration to the cloudy world of teams

SharePoint Server 2019

SharePoint was completely defeated with the stick "User Experience modern "because the sites, pages and lists of the team all receive the" modern "treatment, that Microsoft hopes to lead to more attractive sites and easier to navigate.

Libraries get a facelift similar to OneDrive, which means that OneDrive users should experience downloading or creating slightly less discordant folders. The SharePoint 2016 10GB file size limit is increased to 15GB this time and SharePoint 2019 is moved and screaming in the 21st century as the maximum URL path length goes from 260 Unicode characters to 400. [19659002] If you are using SharePoint 2019, Microsoft will also be happy to sell you Project Server 2019, which requires the old platform and makes some improvements in the reporting area.

Office 2019 and Beyond

Users are looking for the world of perpetual perpetual licenses still have the option of a 2019 Office Suite containing Word, Excel and Powerpoint with that Redmond describes it as "a significant subset of features found in Office 365". Non-subscribers, however, will not see new features in the same way as their cloud counterparts.

In a surprise for anyone, these Office 2019 installations will also need Windows 10, while server products will run on Windows Server 2016 or 2019 (although Microsoft would obviously prefer you to use the latest platform). Exchange 2019 can also take advantage of the Core Server product.

The exception is Skype for Business, which currently lists Windows Server 2016 as a requirement. The registry dropped a line to check at Microsoft, since the omission of Sever 2019 is curious.

Although Microsoft wants to say that she understands that customers might prefer to stay put, the wind is certainly blowing to the sky. Redmond said, "We want to support all our customers in their journey to the cloud, at the pace that seems most logical to them," before adding that "it will" continue to badess the needs of customers and customers. Industry trends to determine the need for the future

So, maybe start packing for Azure if you want to stay on the Microsoft server platform over the next decade. ®

* Or nephophobes, if you want, before you "I think you'll find us" …

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