In South Africa, the leopard separated the two fighting antelopes who remained hungry


The predator suddenly jumped on two impala butting and frightened them so that they fled quickly, leaving him to wonder alone. Relevant videos shared by the witnesses of the incident.

 В ЮАР леопард разнял двух дерущихся антилоп и остался голодным

Tourists took in unusual video in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The images show how two butt antelopes in the bush. The animals move very fast and soon on the road for visitors' cars. The Impala and Park tourists were so pbadionate about the "fight" that he did not notice that he was interfering with another wildlife representative. The leopard suddenly jumped on the road and separated the two fighting antelopes. They were so scared that they disappeared faster than the predator had time to react. His appearance drew a sigh of surprise even among the witnesses. The pictures show how the hungry predator remaining heals the first antelope and then the second.

It should be noted that at the end of the video "on the stage" there is the giraffe, who also puzzled to watch the scene.


About the Author

Jan Hartman

Jan Hartman is a reporter at the news desk since 2013. Before that, she wrote about young teens and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal correspondent for the Metro office.
Before joining The Sivertelegram, Jan Hartman worked as a personal editor at the Village Voice and as a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella.

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