Iran and the world powers meeting in Vienna to save the nuclear deal


Leading Iranian diplomats and five world powers meet on July 6 to discuss the implementation of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran following the withdrawal of the United States from the United States. agreement.

The Foreign Ministers of Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia are to meet their Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, in Vienna for the first time since US President Donald Trump announced that he waived the nuclear deal Before the talks, Iranian President Hbadan Rohani told French and German leaders that a European package of economic measures to counter the effects of US sanctions did not go far enough, reported the Iranian news agencies. Rohani told French President Emmanuel Macron in a phone call that the package "does not meet all our demands," the IRNA news agency reported on July 5th.

In another phone call to German Chancellor Angela Merkel European economic measures are "disappointing", reports the Tasnim News Agency

"Unfortunately, the proposed package lacked a plan to Action or a clear roadmap for further cooperation.He contained only a few general promises like the previous EU statements, "said Mr Rohani quoted by Mr Tasnim . The Iranian leader said he hoped that Iran's deficiencies could be corrected during the Vienna meeting, two months after the US exit from the nuclear deal

. Mr Le Drian said it was unlikely that the European powers could set up an economic package for Iran that would save its nuclear deal by November and warned Tehran to stop threatening to break its commitments to the agreement.

"The Drian told RTL radio before going to Vienna

He said that the European powers, but also Russia and China were working on the establishment of a financial mechanism. "We are trying to do this before sanctions are imposed in early August, then another round of sanctions in November. For the month of August, it seems a bit short, but we try to do it in November, "he said.

While the other signatories vowed to stay in agreement, Dozens of European, Russian and Asian companies have announced plans to pull out of Iran for fear of incurring US sanctions when sanctions will be reinstated in November.

The Union The European Union is striving to find ways to counter the sanctions and to ensure that an agreement, which was granted in 2016 in exchange for limiting the nuclear activities of Iran.

L & # 39; Iran warned that it could abandon the agreement unless other signatories "guarantee" that it will continue to benefit.The agreement is a doubling of its exports of oil at about 2.8 million barrels a day.

But Washington has also warned European allies that they could face possible sanctions if they violated US sanctions; d) reduce Iran's oil exports to zero – a level that would deprive the Iranian economy of its main source of income and revenues; Economic Growth.

In light of Washington's pressure on sanctions, European leaders said they would do their utmost. maintain business ties with Iran, but it would be difficult for them to make "guarantees".

million. Rohani did not specify what was missing in the EU's package of measures to counter US sanctions.

This week, the European Parliament approved a key element of the package, giving the European Investment Bank the power to invest in Iran despite US sanctions.

The measure allows the bank to work with Iran from the month of August, but it does not require it. 19659002] Reuters reports that if the bank will invest in Iran is in doubt. The bank currently has a policy of not lending to Iran and other countries listed as high risk by a global terrorist financing watchdog.

In addition, the bank is afraid of not being able to raise money on the financial markets. "Maintaining access to these markets is a matter of near-life or death for the [bank]" because it has $ 120 billion of bonds held by investors around the world which must be continuously refinanced and refinanced, Director General Beyond the European Investment Bank plan, other elements of the European economic package that Rohani criticized as inadequate include a special measure to protect European businesses against US sanctions and a proposal for European governments money is transferred to the Iranian central bank to avoid US sanctions.

Even before the United States reoriented its sanctions against Iran, Tehran complained that the influx of foreign investors Now the threat of US sanctions is increasingly clouding the prospects of the Iranian economy, contributing to plunge the Iranian rial this year, which has pushed up prices. and provoked street protests and strikes

With reports from AFP and Reuters
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