Is this the breakthrough that will soon end diabetes? New implant would tackle cause of the disease


A pouch that's implanted under the skin has the potential to 'cure' diabetes, say researchers.

The size of a credit card, the implant contains tiny tubes that can be injected with cells that produce the hormone insulin. 19659002] Research has been shown that blood cells grow into and around the cells and can be used in the treatment of cancer.

Researchers in the US are now starting a trial with patients with type 1 diabetes

 End of an era? A pouch that's implanted under the skin has the potential to cure diabetes

 End of an era? A pouch that's implanted under the skin has the potential to cure diabetes

End of an era? It has been implanted under the skin has the potential to 'cure' diabetes

Type 1, which affects more than 300,000 people in the UK, occurs when the immune system attacks islets in the pancreas which produce insulin. As a result, the pancreas produces little or none of the hormone.

With type 2 diabetes, insulin production drops, or the cells become resistant to its effects, so blood sugar levels remain high and eventually damage capillaries

For years, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes were regular insulin injections, often multiple times a day, or insulin pumps.

Nearly 30 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes also need insulin injections to control the disease. Purpose injecting insulin can be inconvenient and is not a cure

The new implant, the Sernova Cell Pouch, is designed to tackle the cause of transplantation islet cells.

Islet cell transplants have They have been implicated in the transplantation process, but they are usually more likely to survive than they are to survive, and that most patients require more than one transplant. The patient must then take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life.

The pouch implant overcomes these problems because it is becoming an insulin-generating organ in itself and its cells are protected from an immune system attack, so patients donate 't need anti-rejection drugs.

It is made from a special polymer material which is safe to use in the body and does not break down. Pores in its surface help the blood vessels develop in it and it has tiny tubes in which the transplanted cells are placed. A special coating prevents it from being attacked by the immune system.

 Fact: For years, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes have been regular insulin injections, often several times a day, or insulin pumps

 Fact: For years Injections, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes insulin pumps

Fact: For years, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes have been regular insulin injections, often several times a day, or insulin pumps

The treatment involves two procedures. First, under general anaesthetic, the lungs are being implanted into the skin of the abdomen and allowing them to grow blood vessels and tissue to grow into it

pouch's tiny tubes. With the blood supply already established, they are well-supported and are expected to work in a normal pancreas. A 2011 study by the University of Alberta in Canada showed that insulin injections have not been observed after 100 days of having the pouch fitted.

The treatment has been shown to be safe in humans. The islet cells were able to produce insulin and link up to the circulatory system. It is now being tested in patients with diabetes

Researchers suggest the technique may be used for other chronic diseases in future, such as haemophilia and Parkinson's disease, which result from a lack of specific compounds.

With haemophilia Factor VIII, which patients lack.

Parkinson's is characterized by a lack of dopamine, which helps control movement, so patients would have dopamine-producing cells. In the new trial at the University of Chicago, seven patients with type 1 diabetes will be given the Sernova Cell Pouch, and their blood sugar and insulin levels, will be

Dr Emily Burns, of Diabetes UK, says: '' Scientists are searching for ways to replace the insulin-producing cells, and making implantable devices is one such route. acement and regeneration is an exciting area of ​​research, but it's still at an early stage. Clinical trials are needed to test different approaches. If trials prove successful, it could really change the way we treat diabetes in the future. '

Elsewhere, regularly eating diabetes Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases.

Diabetes raises the risk of the disease, and researchers from Georgia Southern University, in the US, who monitored more than 1,100 diabetic adults for around 18 years, week of the year (19659002) Fish is abundant in omega-3, thought to reduce the production of inflammatory compounds in which the risk of heart disease

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