Israel fires missiles at the Syrian heights of the Golan as tensions rise in the middle of a "big market" to reduce the influence of Iran


M Putin and Mr. Netanyahu reportedly reached an agreement for Russia to retain Iran-backed groups from the border before the Syrian regime began its offensive against the rebels last month.

However, Hezbollah militants Later, it was discovered that he was fighting alongside Assad troops disguised in the uniform of the army.

"I think it's a gross exaggeration to suggest that Putin could order the Iranian militia to leave Syria. Michael McFaul, a former US ambbadador to Moscow, said the Russian leader's strategy might be to accept something vague, allowing both parties to greet the summit as

"[It] ] is a perfect game in that sense because it is ambitious, it is cloudy, it would take years to accomplish, and yet they could declare it as a tangible result, "he said. said.

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