Jimmy Kimmel asked Americans to name any country on a map and they failed miserably


Do you know your countries from your continents? Because, it seems, some Americans do not, as Jimmy Kimmel discovered when he launched the challenge:

In the recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! a film crew was sent Kimmel explained: "The president is abroad, he visits Belgium, England, Scotland and then his friend Putin in Finland

. "It's a great trip with many important ramifications." It's imperative that America maintain strong relationships and knowledge with people from other countries, and this responsibility extends. to all of us – not just to the president – and so we did a test. "

The test was simple: the game was to ask pbaders-by to name a country on the map.EVERY other country, they gave them a pointing stick and all, just to make things even easier

 Source: Jimmy Kimmel

It turns out that not everyone has found the task as light as we would have imagined: for starters, several people identified Africa as a country (a continent, come on!), while a woman, when asked if she could to name a country in Africa, simply said, "God, no. Who knows things like that? "

A man tried to guess a country in Africa – more precisely, South Africa, where you would have thought the index was in the name.

 Source: Jimmy Kimmel ]

But no, he felt that it was somewhere in the northeast of the continent

A college graduate could not even manage to name a single country on the map … but she pointed to Australia when trying to identify Europe.

Thankfully, there was a glimmer of hope in this embarrbading ordeal – in the form of. a young child, who came and thoroughly educated everyone with his awesome geographical know-how.

He is able to identify an entire ton of South American country, he also devoured Mexico, the United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea [19659013] Source: Jimmy Kimmel “/> [19659003] What a real DAD Plus something tells us that he could have gone there During the night, these countries were listed, if the segment had not been cut .

Clearly as impressed as we are, Kimmel said, "Well, if you did not believe the kids came out of the future before, now you do it."

Bad effort, guys. Maybe it's time to start revisiting these old school geography books …

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