Kenya: Mandera Polio Jab Road targets more than 200,000 children


Manase Otsialo

At least 205,000 children under five will receive the polio vaccine in a campaign that began in Mandera County.

Ahmed Sheikh, Mandera County Health Officer said on Wednesday the polio campaign "We have a target and we are going from house to house to make sure that all children under five are vaccinated, because enough public awareness has been made, "he said.

According to Mr. Sheikh, despite the challenges facing Mandera, including the insecurity and pastoral nature of residents' lives, the public health team is determined to reach their target.


"We have failed in the past campaign because a third of Mandera is uncertain, the cross-border movements of our people and the influx of pastors from neighboring countries," he said. said.

He blamed free cross-border movements and the poor. "These areas lack sanitary interventions and this has always made us vulnerable, causing epidemics in the past," he said.

He cited the Chikungunya, cholera and dengue epidemics as diseases imported from neighboring countries.

"We face these cross-border problems and we can not strengthen the fragile health system in Somalia He said that Mandera still bore the burden of the excesses of both countries.


But despite the challenges Mandera is ready to face the challenges, he said, adding that security arrangements have been put in place to reach areas marked by insecurity for polio vaccination

The Minister county health said Mandera had no resistance to polio because of poor immunization campaigns.We talk about resistance once we have completely immunized ourselves, but as we still have segments of our population who are not vaccinated and that the influx of strangers is important, we have no resistance, "he said. conducted in 11 other counties, namely Garissa, Isiolo, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Machakos, Lamu, Meru, Nairobi, Tana River and Wajir.

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