Kenya: One by one – Aggie the Queen of Dance


By Bonface Nyaga

She is a dancer, choreographer and head of costumes at the Sarakasi Trust. Her dance "Odi" and her iconic combination on Sauti Sol's "Short N Sweet" video featuring Nyashinski stormed Kenya. She spoke to BONIFACE NYAGA about life as a dance queen.

Your outfit has become very iconic with your ascent to fame. Where did you get it and how much was it?

The designer in charge of the costume chose it as the first option among the many outfits that I had brought to the video shoot of Sauti Sol. I bought it in Eastleigh four months ago, but it was the first time I wore it. I'm glad it was a combination; It's the outfit that really flattered my body and completed the dance.

When did you realize that you became a celebrity?

Well, I do not think I'm a celebrity. I'm just lucky that more Kenyans have come to know Aggie, even though she has been around for a long time. I call it the time of God.

How did your new fame change your life?

People are greeting me more often now, what I like despite being a calm person. I have more friends on social networks, so I'm always online to try to chat with my fans, as I'm mentor. My neighbors are a little shocked to realize that I am the same who has lived next to them all this time.

However, I always buy sukuma or beans where I used to, I go to Gikomba to buy fish, work and matatus advice. In fact, believe it or not, it humiliated me.

What is the strangest thing that has happened to you since you became so famous?

I'm just shocked to see how things came out. I can not believe that just one video has generated so much inspiration and a new wave of appreciation from around the world.

When did you realize that you would do this (dance) as a career?

As a pbadion, it started a long time ago. As a career, I would say about six years ago. I did not go to any school, I had the chance to work in the best dance company in Africa, Sarakasi Trust. The persistent and incessant efforts of my teachers Edu Ooro, choreographer Oscar Mwalo, Professor Sly and Renee Githinji have shaped me.

I am becoming one of the best dancers, coaches and choreographers in Kenya. It took a lot of hard work, research, discipline, prayers, pbadion to be the intrepid, the fine dancer and the choreographer that I am.

What other projects did you work with?

Niko na Safaricom in 2013 in several videos. Outside of the country, I have directed cultural programs in Holland, Phoenix Circus Theater in France and a launch in Nigeria, to name a few. About two months ago, I played Formula 1 in Bahrain and from Saturday I am now a Zumba Certified Instructor, so I will start clbades very soon.

It is said that you are going to Dubai, what are you going to do?

Yes, that's right, I play at Kiza Lounge in Dubai. It's my first solo performance; I am really excited.

How about your worst experience in your dancer career and what did you learn?

I have already auditioned for a very big project but I have been refused. This has taught me that you can not always get a yes; and a no, although painful, is also correct. Sometimes, no, God teaches you to be patient because he is about to open another door that changes your life, just believe in the process.

Your husband is a choreographer and Showbiz industry is very difficult for relationships. How long have you been with your husband and how do you maintain your relationship?

We have been together for four years. He kept me and believed in me even before the world did it. He believed in my dream and supported me in every possible way and for that I thank him and respect him. It's an angel who sent me to tame my ego.

We have a separate job and a private life because respect and love in any relationship come from knowing boundaries. My husband is my critic, advisor, manager, my husband and my life. We organize dance competitions in the house;

What is next for Aggie the Queen of Dance and what is the thing you want to accomplish in life?

Aggie the Queen of Dance is a brand that I hope to grow beyond myself. Fans have brought it to life, so I want to give back to the community. I plan to have community outreach and sponsorship programs.

My dream is to have a healthy and educated nation through my Zumba training. Aggie, the queen of dance, uses more dance for emancipation, health, inner peace, education, love and unity.

With your success, many dancers look at you, what advice would you give to the dancers?

Find your pbadion. Remember, nothing is served to you on a silver platter, unless of course you dine in a star hotel …

Work smart, be unique, be creative, make your dreams come true. research. Always believe in yourself; others will support your pbadion if you make them believe what you are doing.

Respect everyone, be disciplined and set high goals so that you have something to do. Remember to always fight against yourself, be better than you were yesterday; then you will know that you are growing up.

Above all, commit your work, your strengths and your thoughts to the Lord and He will develop you in every way.


1. What is your favorite dance movement?

Odi with booty.

2. Favorite color?


3. The favorite outfit?

The combination.

4. What is your comfort food?

Fish with ugali.

5. App you can not live without


6. One thing you could change about your body

Nothing. It's perfect.

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