Kenya Power CEO Ken Tarus accused of economic crime :: Kenya


Ben Chumo, former CEO of Kenya Power

NAIROBI, KENYA: The CEO of Kenya Power, his immediate predecessor and ten other senior executives of the company were indicted Monday in court for complicity the crime and the abuse of power, the court documents showed.

CEO Ken Tarus, his predecessor Ben Chumo, and other leaders pleaded not guilty to the charges.


Police arrest Ben Chumo, the boss of the former Kenya Power

Kenya Power's senior executives, including CEO Ken Tarus, accused of conspiracy to commit economic crimes and abuse of power, pleads no guilty.

On Monday, the electricity services company moved to ensure stakeholders and the public uninterrupted services despite the ongoing investigation of the executive staff.

The company stated that it knew that senior employees had been summoned by the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on the order of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The order is based on two issues being investigated; "The Board wishes to rebadure members of the public, customers, shareholders, development partners and other stakeholders that the operations of the company do not have and will not be affected," said a statement. from the roster. The Board also informed all stakeholders that the Company has a business continuity strategy in place and, as a result, all transactions will continue as usual.

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