Khloe Kardashian: It's good, Tristan Thompson is too dumb to be faithful!


At this point, it is safe to say that Khloe Kardashian forgave Tristan Thompson for having misled her several times during her pregnancy

Or maybe she did not forgive him but she does not leave him. 19659003] True's Mother “/>

Last month, a Twitter user told her that she was "disappointed" to have stayed with him, and Khloe told him

"You do not know nothing that's happening to us. "

" I'm proud of my strength. "

We're happy that she's proud, but a new report from People details a little bit about who they are walk in their household, and information on the kind of work they put in their relationship.

And that's … well … it's pretty ridiculous, honestly.

A source close to Khloe claims that "As a guy," Tristan is "naturally not as understanding as he can be in this particular situation."

"C & D Is so easy It is easier for him, not completely, but to brush things under the carpet. She can not do that. "

 Tristan Thompson makes a face

" Khloe was carrying his child, "says the source," and is much more featured than him, and she does not think he understands "

" She think the cheating scandal is much more important than him and he does not fully understand the repercussions of his actions that affect not only him and Khloe but the whole family as a whole. "

Poor, simple Tristan, huh?

We know that he's just" a dude "and therefore completely unable to understand how emotions work, but still, you think he'd could take some things from different relationships

Or movies, TV shows, anything.

Enough to understand that cheating on your pregnant girlfriend repeatedly is bad.

 Tristan Thompson Transpiration

But this concept is not the only one he's had trouble grasping.

This insider says that Khloe's family reaction The cheating scandal, how much they all reacted to the news, was "a tough learning lesson for him."

Yeah, as his family is crazy about having done so publicly during such a period

Who could have predict such a turn of events?

The source adds that "It does not include do not completely realize that she experienced this before [with Lamar Odom] except that this time there is a child involved. "

It's just – after all, it was not as if someone had ever really talked about what happened with Lamar, you know?"

"When he arrived with Khloe," he was trying to adapt to the best of his abilities, but he was struggling to be part of such a prestigious family and to cross lines that he should not have "

 Tristan Thompson seems to be stupid

" He was not expecting to "

It is clear that the victim in all of this, that's for sure! 659002] So let's recap: Tristan is just a guy, and that means that it's hard for him to understand that cheating is bad, that cheating when your girlfriend is pregnant is very bad, and what to do all this when your girlfriend is super famous is [19659002] He also missed the entire saga of Khlomar and why an unfaithful partner might be more difficult for her because of it. 19659002] Also, all that negative attention was really hard for him, so if everyone could cut it a bit, that would be great.

Looks like this is what the Kardashian

 Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, True Thompson and Chicago West

"The whole family is here to" all support him and Khloe, to through all, "say the initiates," but they also need his commitment for the relationship to succeed. "

" All really hope for a positive outcome for Khloe. "[19659002] We hope everything works, but w He Do not forget that Tristan will definitely start over again.

Not because he's a bad person, not because he has dubious morals or poor self-control.

But because He has a penis

no help, guys.

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