Kimmel participants did not label a country on a map


As President Donald Trump trotted around the globe for his meetings with Queen Elizabeth, NATO and Russian President Vladimir Putin, host Jimmy Kimmel wondered if Americans could find these countries on a map.

"We had a test," said Kimmel. "The test is very simple, we went out on the street and we asked the people who pbaded to name a country on a map, that's it."

The results were not impressive.

Attempt 1: South Africa

YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live

The first participant circled what she thought was South Africa. It was actually Bolivia on the continent of South America.

Attempt 2: The "Land of Asia"

YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live

The second participant of Kimmel pointed to Russia. In fact, he thought it was the "country of Asia".

Attempt 3: Africa

YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live

While this participant technically indicated the correct area, she remembered that Africa is a continent. When asked if she could name a country in Africa, she replied: "No."

Attempt 4: Greenland

YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live

The fourth participant was pretty much sure he was pointing to Greenland or Iceland, to realize that he was pointing to Alaska.

Attempt 5: America

YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live [19659006] Participant # 1 was back to redeem herself.The host asked if she could point to America.

"I'd say it's a big one," did she she says while surrounding Russia, "but I'm probably wrong."

She added Austraila as Europe and South America as Africa, and she failed to catalog a country in South America

The "sad part", according to the participant, was that she graduated from high school and college.

Attempt 6: Honduras

YouTube / Ji mmy Kimmel Live

The sixth participant was quite confident that Honduras was somewhere in South America, adding, "Should not I learn this at school?"

Attempt 7: Finally [19659026] YouTube / Jimmy Kimmel Live

Finally, a young child has managed to label many countries in South America.

While most participants struggled, geographic illiteracy is not a rare phenomenon in the United States. According to a New York Times poll, only 36% of Americans could find North Korea on a map.

Although the young man saved the day during the Kimmel test, only 17% of young Americans could find Afghanistan on a map in 2002, according to National Geographic. Less than 15% could point to Iraq or Israel.

Kimmel, of course, found that the test was a hilarious example of US geographical illiteracy, adding, "Well, if you did not believe that children are our future before, now you do it. "

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