Knife attacking on the bus of Germany stopped, several wounded


Several people were injured Friday in an attack perpetrated by a man armed with a knife on a bus in northern Germany, officials said Friday, although its goal is unclear . Lübeck's chief prosecutor, Ulla Hingst, said: "The exact number of wounded is still unclear, there is one person who is seriously injured, but fortunately no one has been killed" , she added

The bus driver had immediately stopped the vehicle, thus allowing the pbadengers to escape

"The pbadengers jumped off the bus and shouted. The author had a kitchen knife, "a witness who lives near the scene, Lothar H, told the local daily, Luebecker Nachrichten.

An anonymous bus pbadenger said that one of these wounded was coming from his seat at a field "A police car that was nearby quickly arrived at the scene, allowing the police to detain them." aggressor, "reports the newspaper.

Hingst stated that the man was a 34-year-old German national but that he was possibly born elsewhere.

Luebecker Nachrichten had previously reported that the perpetrator was an Iranian man in his mid-thirties.

The prosecutor added that "the context (of the attack) is not clear, we are investigating in every way, we can not exclude anything right now."

The state police of Schleswig-Holstein said on Twitter that the author has been restrained and is currently detained by the police. "

While the motive of the author has not yet been established, Germany has been in a state of alert after several militant Islamist extremist attacks

.] [19659011] Risk of jihadist attack

The security services have long warned against the threat of more violence after several attacks claimed by the Islamic State Jihadist group, the bloodiest one Christmas mar in Berlin In 1965, the attacker, Tunisian asylum seeker Anis Amri, hijacked a truck and murdered his Polish driver before killing 11 other people and injuring dozens of others plowing the heavy vehicle through the festive market of the capital Berlin

He was shot dead by the Italian police in Milan four days later while he was on the run.

L & # 39; Germany has since been the target of attacks with islamis motives

In July 2017, a 26-year-old Palestinian An asylum-seeker wielding a knife stormed a supermarket in the northern port city of Hamburg, killing one person and injuring six others before being stopped by pbadersby.

German prosecutors said that the man probably had a "radical Islamist" motive.

EI also claimed a number of attacks in 2016, including the murder of a teenager in Hamburg, a suicide bombing in the southern city of Ansbach. In June, German police said they foiled the first biological attack with the arrest of a Tunisian jihadist suspected of being in possession of the bombing. Germany remains a target for jihadist groups, particularly because of its involvement in the coalition fighting ISIL in Iraq and Syria and its deployment in Afghanistan since 2001.

Services There are about 11,000 Islamic radicals in Germany, of whom 980 are considered particularly dangerous and able to resort to violence. One hundred and fifty of these potentially dangerous individuals have been detained for various offenses.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has welcomed more than one million asylum seekers since 2015 – a decision that led to the rise of the far right alternative for the first time. Germany (AfD), which blames the influx for increased security risk.

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