Letitia Wright reveals battle with anxiety, depression


Letitia Wright, the star of the "Black Panther", struggled with anguish and depression before her big break in Hollywood

"I was depressed and full of anxiety, I believe that It was this pressure to be somebody, says W magazine.

A sarcastic comment about her acting talent and her look at social media sites really started to discourage her: "When you look outside for happiness and validation, a nasty comment on social media can destroy you. "I was OK when I was on the set, hidden behind my work, but when I was not acting, I was full of fear and doubt, trying to fill that void. in me as I could: drink, smoke, it was bad. "

Wright also almost missed her big break after considering moving away from the theater when she discovered religion, reports aceshowbiz.com.

"When I became a Christian, I said:" I never acted again. "I finished," she said

. She reconsidered when she realized that she could take control of her career by refusing projects that she considered to be incompatible with her principles and morals

. to have a goal, and if it looks like a red light, I do not do it, "she adds.
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