Lion jumps into open safari truck full of students


I did some safaris, and there is one animal that I've always wanted to see: a lion. But they never want to show their faces when I'm on safari, so I always end up disappointed.

A group of students got more than what they had negotiated when they went on safari and got their fair share of a lion sighting.

Read: Poachers suspected of being killed by lions

The lions decided to climb into the game vehicle with some of the students still inside – enough to scare the people of the day!

You must love the ranger who does not stop telling students: "relax all, get out, he just wants to say hello". I'm not sure about you, but I do not know how calm I would be in a situation like this?

Read also: The lion runs to cover after the & # 39; chew toy & # 39; explodes!

Look at the meeting below:

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