Lions devoured a group of rhinoceros poachers in South Africa


A group of poachers who entered the Sibuya reservation in South Africa in search of rhinos were slaughtered Thursday by a group of lions.

The lions then ate what reserve officials consider to be three poachers, who were armed with an ax, wire cutter and a silent – common trading tools for poachers.

Nick Fox, the owner of the reserve, posted on Facebook that around 4:30 am Thursday, he heard a strong commotion from the lions by the time one of the dogs trained to identify poachers began to alert his intruder manipulators.

"We do not know how much was left, there is not much left," Fox told AFP. "There seems to be clothing for three people, I have never heard of it in our region."

The demand for rhinoceros horns has been raised in China and in other Asian countries for their supposedly medicinal properties. Conservation experts estimate that there are fewer than 30,000 wild rhinos left in Africa and Asia, with some species on the verge of extinction. More than 7,000 rhinos have been killed in South Africa in the last decade alone.

In March, the last northern white rhino died in Sudan. Rangers in some African parks have even decided to cut the horns of some rhinos in a desperate attempt to save them from poachers.

"I think we had a stroke of luck here, that the lions met them before rhinoceros," Fox told AFP. "We lost three rhinos in March 2016."

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