Mediterranean diet "could reduce bone loss in people with osteoporosis"


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A Mediterranean Diet Could Reduce Bone Loss in People with Osteoporosis

Results Show That Following a Diet Rich in Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Unrefined Cereals , olive oil and fish can reduce bone loss from the hip in just 12 months.

The study is the first long-term European clinical trial on the impact of a Mediterranean diet on bone health in the elderly

65 and 79 participated in the # 39, test, and the volunteers were divided at random into two groups, one that followed a Mediterranean diet and a control group that did not.

Diet did not have any discernible impact on participants The control group continued to see age-related decreases in bone density, but those who followed the diet saw equivalent increase in bone density in part of osteoporosis. f The body, the neck of the femur, the region that connects the diaphysis of the thigh bone to the rounded head, which inserts into the hip joint.

Prof. Susan Fairweather-Tait, of the Norwich Medical School: "It is a particularly sensitive area for osteoporosis as the loss of bone in the femoral neck is often the cause of hip fractures, which is common among older people with osteoporosis

"The bone takes a long time to form, so the 12-month trial, although one of the longest to date, was still a relatively short time to show an impact.

"So the fact that we could see a marked difference between"

The EU-funded trial, led by the University from Bologna to Italy, was completed by 1,142 participants recruited from five centers in Great Britain, Italy, Holland, Poland and France.

Those who follow the Mediterranean the regime increased their consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish, consumed small amounts of dairy products and meat and consumed moderately alcohol [19659013] What is the Mediterranean Diet? 30, 2016

The Mediterranean diet has been badociated with good health, a long life and even reduced the risk of heart disease and stroke. But do you know what to eat to follow the diet? Here's all you need z appreciate …

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The people in the intervention group were getting foods like olive oil and whole pasta for the encourage to follow the diet. a small vitamin D supplement has also been added to balance the effects of different sunlight levels on vitamin D status.

At the beginning and end of the test, blood samples were taken to check the blood circulation. biomarkers.

Bone density was measured in more than 600 participants from both the lumbar spine and femoral neck groups.

Of these participants, just under 10% had osteoporosis at the beginning of the study

 Mediterranean Diet "title =" Mediterranean Diet GETTY

Mediterranean Diets are rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, unrefined grains and olive oil

Dr. Amy Jennings, of the University of East Anglia said: "Although it is a small number, it is enough for changes in bone density of the femoral neck between "People with osteoporosis lose bone at a much faster rate than others, so you are more likely to to feel changes in those volunteers as those who lose the bone more slowly., as everyone does with age.

"With a longer test, he It is possible that we were able to observe changes in with normal bone density.

we have already found it rather difficult to encourage our volunteers to cha their diet for a year, and a longer trial would have made recruitment more difficult and resulted in a higher abandonment . "

Researchers would now like to see a similar, or ideally longer, trial in patients with osteoporosis, to confirm the findings across a wider group and see if there is a difference. impact can be seen in other parts of the body.

The says that if the condition could be alleviated by the diet, it would be a welcome addition to current drug treatments for Osteoporosis, which can have serious side effects.

But in the meantime, the researchers said that there is no reason for those who are uncomfortable. are concerned not to consider

Professor Fairweather-Tait added, "It has already been proven that a Mediterranean diet had other health benefits, by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and cancer [19659030] "So there is no downsi to adopt such a diet, whether you have osteoporosis or not. The results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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