Mobile HIV Testing and Treatment Clinic Strikes Ekurhuleni Roads


Dr. Ygar Pillay, Deputy Director General of Health, Chargé d 'Affaires, Chief of Staff US Embbady, ​​and Bruce Forgrieve, President Shout-It-Now, at the official launch of the HIV test and vehicle treatment.

With the launch of a new six-month pilot project involving a mobile clinic, the fight against HIV / AIDS has made a huge leap forward.

Shout-It-Now mobile clinic and testing clinic hit the road in Ekurhuleni On July 12, residents of a semi-automated HIV testing clinic were made available immediate antiretroviral therapy (ARV).

South Africa is focusing more and more on the identification of undiagnosed people living with HIV. ART, Shout-it-Now has designed a new community-based HIV testing and antiretroviral initiation service

The adoption of the UNAIDS goals to eliminate AIDS from AIDS. By 2020, public health actors have become more important. As a proportion of people living with HIV, 90% of those on sustainable antiretroviral therapy are ensuring that 90% of those on antiretroviral therapy achieve and maintain their viral suppression.

The New Mobile Screening and Treatment Clinic Will See Shout-It-Now for Free HIV Testing, Counseling and Treatment with a Personalized Pair of Vehicles, Giving the Program Greater Flexibility to Target High-Risk Patients and provide HIV-positive people with immediate and seamless access to treatment.

tandem: one dedicated to HIV testing and a second to the initiation to antiretroviral therapy

Bruce Forgrieve, president of Shout-It-Now, charge of business, chief of state at the US Embbady and Ygar Pillay, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Health, at the Official Launch of HIV Testing and Vehicle Treatment

Shout-It-Now will use public health data and mapping tools to identify neighborhoods and populations that need it most. The trial sites will be mainly areas currently underserved by public health clinics, with a service designed to accommodate up to 250 clients per day with an incidence of 10 to 15% of HIV.

the clinic is 15 minutes. The test van has seven touchscreen kiosks with the latest audio-visual interface and only needs three health advisers (HCAs) to perform all functions. Audio-visual instructional media are available in Zulu, English and Sepedi

The testing process varies according to the needs of each client and can take as little as 5-10 minutes, with shared results by text message. Those who scored positive on their first HIV test went to the ART van. Here, a qualified physician or antiretroviral therapy nurse (NIMART) initiated by a nurse and an HCA provide confirmatory testing, evaluate if the client is eligible for immediate antiretroviral therapy and deliver an antiretroviral (ARV) supply. from one month.

"HIV and AIDS remain the biggest social problem facing South Africa, and as a stakeholder, we play our part in ensuring that the national goals of 90-90-90 are seriously compromised, "said Bruce Forgrieve, president of Shout-It-Now

Shout-It-Now will also pilot an adjacent clubhouse concept at a partner government clinic to improve clinic-to-clinic linkages. The clubhouse will be the first stop for Shout-It-Now customers who, after their first month of ART, need to be integrated into the government clinic system

Shout-It -Now plans to extend the approach of the mobile clinic.In the second phase, include a membership program, provide medication to clients each month, further relieve the overburdened government clinic system [19659015]! function (f, b, e, v , n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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