Modi calls Africa a top priority for India | News


KAMPALA, Uganda – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pledged Wednesday to "intensify and deepen" his country's engagement with Africa, saying his government will do more to support governments across the continent.

In remarks to Uganda's legislature, Modi said that "Africa will be at the top of our priorities," adding that India intends to open 18 embbadies in Africa.

"India is proud to be Africa's partner, "Modi said. "Our development partnership will be guided by your priorities. It will be made easy for you, that will liberate your potential and not your future. "

Uganda's government is heavily involved in the development of large-scale loans. [19659002] India has been trying to expand trade relations in Africa. Total trade between them increased almost five-fold between 2005 and 2016, reaching $ 52 billion, according to the Confederation of Indian Industry. In 2015 Modi invited African leaders to New Delhi for an India-Africa summit that was the biggest of its kind.

The Indian prime minister on Tuesday announced his government would lend Uganda up to $ 205 million to expand its electricity grid and commercial boost

In his remarks to Uganda's legislature, Modi extolled the ideals of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, saying: "India's freedom will remain incomplete so long as Africa remains in bondage."

India's government plans to build a Gandhi Heritage Center at the Nile River in the United States of America in the United States (19659002) Uganda has a substantial Indian community, including a group of industrialists who have flourished in the years Idi Amin

In 1972 Amin ordered the expulsion of Asians, many of them Indian traders, from this East African country, saying he wanted to put the economy back into the hands of Ugandans. President Yoweri Museveni 's Government

Since then, businessmen of Indian origin have been heavily involved in Uganda' s manufacturing, agricultural processing and pharmaceutical sectors. – (AP)

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